Adolf Galland
Adolf Galland

I made a written report which is still today in existence. I have a photocopy of it, and I am saying that in production this aircraft could perhaps substitute for three propeller- driven aircraft of the best existing type. This was my impression.

Adrian Nicole LeBlanc
Adrian Nicole LeBlanc

A big part of reporting is just being present. You have to show up ten days in a row to get the one telling detail.

Adrian Nicole LeBlanc
Adrian Nicole LeBlanc

My earnestness at the injustices I witnessed when I was writing 'Random Family' may have been my gravest reportorial offense during the early years of reporting. When I discuss the book with students, they often ask me how I could 'stand by' in the face of so much suffering; the egregiousness wasn't my powerlessness but my surprise.

Adrien Broner
Adrien Broner

I think a lot of the media and reporters, they let what I get into and my outside life interfere with my boxing life, and they let that cross, and that should never cross.

Adrienne Mayor
Adrienne Mayor

In the seventeenth century, a French missionary in Canada reported a 'strange legend' circulating among the Hurons. They told of a monster with a 'horn' that could pierce anything, even rock.

Ahmet Zappa
Ahmet Zappa

When we had to do book reports, I would pick a book that no one read and just make it up and turn that in. I got praised for my imagination.

Ai Weiwei
Ai Weiwei

Recently I danced in a video spoof of the song 'Gangnam Style,' and it was quickly banned across multiple Chinese online video platforms. But the story still traveled all over the world, carried in hundreds of international media reports.

Aileen Lee
Aileen Lee

When companies are private, founders can share more about their future dreams with investors; report less; and the shares are illiquid, constraining short-term changes in valuation.

Ajay Piramal
Ajay Piramal

We are a very systems- and process- driven business which reports directly to the board, whether it is risk or legal.

Ajit Pai
Ajit Pai

For newspapers to continue to play an important role in civic engagement, they need more access to capital. Their decline has created a real threat to independent reporting at the state and local level.