Alden Ehrenreich
Alden Ehrenreich

I think, for me, the only real value to fame, stuff like that, is that you can then have a lot more creative power to get certain movies made and to do certain things.

Alfred Marshall
Alfred Marshall

But if inventions have increased man's power over nature very much, then the real value of money is better measured for some purposes in labour than in commodities.

Ben Elton
Ben Elton

The earth only has so much bounty to offer and inventing ever larger and more notional prices for that bounty does not change its real value.

Bill Atkinson
Bill Atkinson

With a 100-year perspective, the real value of the personal computer is not spreadsheets, word processors or even desktop publishing. It's the Web.

Blythe Masters
Blythe Masters

It was amazing feeling to be able to be involved in invention, but not just invention - the creating of a marketplace that had real value to add.

Bryan Lourd
Bryan Lourd

We really believe, existing in a climate where comic books and franchises are the order of the day, that new material and writers need to be fostered more than ever. And in the theater and in television, the idea of original writing holds real value.

Dalai Lama
Dalai Lama

I always say that people should not rush to change religions. There is real value in finding the spiritual resources you need in your home religion.

Dean Kamen
Dean Kamen

Nothing that has value, real value, has no cost. Not freedom, not food, not shelter, not healthcare.

Dinesh Paliwal
Dinesh Paliwal

Many Western nations have made significant gains through automation and operational excellence, while emerging markets rely on ever-increasing numbers of workers. Each will improve their competitive position only by examining every element of operations to make existing resources more efficient and to deliver real value at lower cost.

Donald Trump, Jr.
Donald Trump, Jr.

Look: invest in what you understand, what's foreseeably going to offer real value and returns, not necessarily what's trendy.