Alveda King
Alveda King

While I voted for Mr. Trump, my confidence remains in God for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Alveda King
Alveda King

As a survivor of the 20th-century Race Wars, my back remains unbent, and I move forward for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all who were created equal in God's eyes.

Andrew Sullivan
Andrew Sullivan

You know, American citizens, I don't think, ever thought that the right to the pursuit of happiness did not include the right to marry the person you love. But for a whole number of Americans, gay Americans, that happens to be true.

Ben Fountain
Ben Fountain

Democracy's premise rests on the notion that the collective wisdom of the majority will prove right more often than it's wrong; that given sufficient opportunity in the pursuit of happiness, your population will develop its talents, its intellect, its better judgment; that over time its capacity for discernment and self-correction will be enlarged.

Bharati Mukherjee
Bharati Mukherjee

As a bookish child in Calcutta, I used to thrill to the adventures of bad girls whose pursuit of happiness swept them outside the bounds of social decency. Tess of the d'Urbervilles, Emma Bovary and Anna Karenina lived large in my imagination. The naughty girls of Hollywood films flirted and knew how to drive.

Blase J. Cupich
Blase J. Cupich

The existence of slavery cast the shadow of hypocrisy over the otherwise noble proclamation of the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in our Declaration of Independence.

Carrie Snow
Carrie Snow

The pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous phrase: if you pursue happiness you'll never find it.

Charles B. Rangel
Charles B. Rangel

This country was founded upon the principle that we are all endowed with certain inalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness - those rights are what make America great, and they belong to each and every one of us.

Charles Saatchi
Charles Saatchi

My aim in life isn't so much the pursuit of happiness as the happiness of pursuit.

Clementa C. Pinckney
Clementa C. Pinckney

Could we not argue that America is about freedom, whether we live it out or not, but it really is about freedom, equality and the pursuit of happiness. And that's what church is all about.