Adena Friedman
Adena Friedman

The companies that choose to list on Nasdaq are among the most innovative, risk-taking businesses in the world, and they are proof to us all that prudent risk-taking drives our economy forward.

Alan Hansen
Alan Hansen

It's incredible considering the public perception that he was tight fisted and he was more than prudent, and lacked ambition to take Tottenham to where the fans wanted them to be.

Andrew Cuomo
Andrew Cuomo

I am fiscally prudent and socially progressive. I believe in protecting a woman's right to choose. I believe in marriage equality.


And by a prudent flight and cunning save A life which valour could not, from the grave. A better buckler I can soon regain, But who can get another life again?

Brad Rutter
Brad Rutter

I try to be prudent with everything and fortunately I have enough to support me in a nice middle-class lifestyle, while I try to do other things.

Camille Paglia
Camille Paglia

The moment is ripe for an experienced businessman to talk practical, prudent economics to the electorate - which is why Mitt Romney's political fortunes are steadily being resurrected from the grave.

Carlos Ghosn
Carlos Ghosn

The Japanese people are usually very prudent, even when they are convinced change is necessary.

Cesare Beccaria
Cesare Beccaria

Happy are those few nations that have not waited till the slow succession of human vicissitudes should, from the extremity of evil, produce a transition to good; but by prudent laws have facilitated the progress from one to the other!

Charles Churchill
Charles Churchill

Prudent dullness marked him for a mayor.

Cindy Wilson
Cindy Wilson

You just have to keep at it and budget yourself; be prudent. It's art, so you really don't go into it to make a zillion dollars, but there's definitely bills to pay, and I want everyone in the band to have a salary and whatever they need.