Adam Conover
Adam Conover

I'm the only member of my family who didn't get a PhD. So, I'm like the failure of the family, cause all I have is a bachelor's, like a drop out.

Archie Panjabi
Archie Panjabi

I went to Brunel University and very much wanted to go on to do a PhD in management, but then my acting career started to take off. In those days when you switched on the box there were hardly any brown or black faces.

Denise Mina
Denise Mina

I came from this very traditional background and I benefited hugely from feminism. I felt privileged going to university and doing a PhD. Most people of my background don't get to do that.

Donna Strickland
Donna Strickland

For her PhD, Maria Goeppert Mayer, a theoretical physicist, came up with the idea of multi-photon physics. That means an atom absorbs two or more photons simultaneously.

Donna Strickland
Donna Strickland

My PhD project was actually doing something that required a high-intensity laser. It was supposed to work in a way that many, many photons of light would interact with an atom all at the same time.

Donna Strickland
Donna Strickland

My PhD was not fast out of the gate.

Donna Strickland
Donna Strickland

Gérard Mourou, who was my PhD supervisor, dreamed up the idea of increasing laser intensity by orders of magnitude. He did it while he was on a ski trip with his family. He probably shouldn’t have been thinking about lasers.

Drew Pinsky
Drew Pinsky

I've had people that I've given up on, kicked out - situations where I was becoming part of the problem because I was sort of enabling so I said, 'Godspeed, farewell.' And they've come back to me four years later and they're in a CDAAC program or they're getting a PhD.

Fiona Hill
Fiona Hill

I got a PhD from Harvard and a few years later, there was a girl from Sunderland who hadn't got into Oxford or Cambridge, even though she'd got perfect A-levels. Harvard asked me to come and recruit her because I was recruited out of university by Harvard - they were trying to show that people could make it.

Freeman Dyson
Freeman Dyson

The PhD system is the real root of the evil of academic snobbery. People who have PhDs consider themselves a priesthood, and inventors generally don't have PhDs.