Alcee Hastings
Alcee Hastings

Unprovoked attacks on Israel's borders, murdering Israeli soldiers, taking Israeli hostages and showering rockets targeting and killing Israeli civilians are not furthering any legitimate goal.

Alejandro Jodorowsky
Alejandro Jodorowsky

Human society has dense borders - economic, religious and cultural - inculcated from an early age. We hate change.

Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu

Cinema is universal, beyond flags and borders and passports.

Aleksander Kwasniewski
Aleksander Kwasniewski

Following the Second World War, we are a country of one ethnicity. After the moving of the borders, after the tragedy of the Holocaust and the murder of Polish Jews, we don't have large minority groups.

Alex Berenson
Alex Berenson

On the New York Stock Exchange, all buy and sell orders are routed through a single 'specialist,' guaranteeing that most small trades can be matched directly. But most larger trades are delivered to the specialist on the floor of the exchange by human brokers, a system that big investors view as increasingly inefficient.

Alex Berenson
Alex Berenson

Big companies, which spend tens of billions of dollars annually on 'call centers' to take orders and provide customer support, increasingly rely on speech recognition not just to handle requests for information but to process customer orders.

Alex Pareene
Alex Pareene

For most of the millions of people who watch TED videos at the office, it's a middlebrow diversion and a source of factoids to use on your friends. Except TED thinks it's changing the world, like if 'This American Life' suddenly mistook itself for Doctors Without Borders.

Alexander Herzen
Alexander Herzen

Everything in Italy that is particularly elegant and grand borders upon insanity and absurdity or at least is reminiscent of childhood.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

We absolutely do need to make sure that our borders are secure. But what we need to realize and remember is that ICE was established in 2003 right at the same time as the Patriot Act, the AUMF, the Iraq War - and we look back at a lot of that time and legislation as a mistake now. And I think that ICE is right there as a part of it.

Chris Fussell
Chris Fussell

A dynamic team cannot rely solely on orders; they must be able to read each others' every move so they can act as parts of a coordinated whole.