
I think I have the nicest fans in the world, and I quite like being surrounded by people if we're all feeling the same emotion in the same room.

Barbi Benton
Barbi Benton

When I was growing up, we were in a high income bracket, one of the highest. I was one of the first in high school to get a car. And I didn't have to wait for it to be a graduation present, either. We've probably got one of the nicest houses in Sacramento.

Barney Frank
Barney Frank

What would be the nicest thing I could say about Newt Gingrich? He may be one of the great supporters of the humanities, because you have people who don't want to study the social sciences, because it's not profitable, and now Newt, as the highest-paid historian in American history, may be an encouragement to people to study history.

Ben Fogle
Ben Fogle

I'm the son of a vet and grew up with golden retrievers. Dogs have always loomed large in our lives but labradors have the nicest personalities: kind, loyal and caring.

Bennett Miller
Bennett Miller

If you talk to anybody, among the first things you'll hear is, 'Steve Carell is the nicest guy in the world.' And he is. 'Steve Carell is the greatest guy to work with.' And he is. But all of that belies other aspects that are as true with him.

Bobby Lee
Bobby Lee

I like Columbus, Ohio, because it's Pleasantville for real. They have the nicest white people I have ever met, and I mean that!

Brad Thor
Brad Thor

The Afghans I met were some of the nicest and most honorable people I've ever encountered. There is a code called 'Pashtunwali,' so if someone invites you into their village, every last man will fight to protect your life. I was impressed by that.

Brandon Flowers
Brandon Flowers

For the most part, the first thing people I meet that aren't Mormon say is, 'I grew up with a Mormon family. They're the nicest people I know.' So when I see these statistics that it's the most hated religion, I don't know where they're getting that from.

Brian Setzer
Brian Setzer

Robert Plant is one of the nicest people you'll ever meet, never mind rock star. He's so down to earth.

Carrie Preston
Carrie Preston

I'm a character actor and I get lost in these characters, so I think it's only recently that people have begun to connect dots and go, 'Oh, that's the same person that did this, this, this, this and this!' which I take as a compliment. One time somebody called me an illusionist, and that was the nicest thing anyone has ever said.