Alan Hansen
Alan Hansen

I was born in a mining village, and you either played football or played football. If you didn't play, there was something wrong with you.

Alex Berenson
Alex Berenson

Determining how many asbestos suits have been filed or how much companies have spent to resolve them is difficult. Cases are filed in state and federal courts, and many companies do not disclose their spending on settlements.

Alex Trebek
Alex Trebek

Don't minimize the importance of luck in determining life's course.

Alexander Vindman
Alexander Vindman

In taking a very sober view of where this president is taking this country, the divisions, the catering to our adversaries, the undermining of national security interests, that I am absolutely a never-Trumper.

Alexandra Cassavetes
Alexandra Cassavetes

I've noticed that when people make vampire movies, they're always determining which of the rules they're going to stick to and which they'll abandon.

Alice Oswald
Alice Oswald

That is the best instruction you could ever give a poet: whether you're examining a bad line in a poem or a bad motive for action, keep well your repining - meaning, don't ignore the honest muttering in your head.

Alistair Darling
Alistair Darling

Deficits must be cut, yes, but the rush to austerity risks undermining the fragile global recovery.

Allan Savory
Allan Savory

Agriculture is the most destructive industry that we have. More than coal mining and other extractive industries.

Amanda Seales
Amanda Seales

I've always found inspiration in icons that were really of purpose in their craft or calling. From Bob Marley to Maya Angelou to Malcolm X, inspiration came from seeing how committed they were to their vision and determining it themselves.

Chris Kilham
Chris Kilham

Rainforest land is mistakenly valued solely for the worth of its timber, mining and oil resources by short-sighted corporations and governments.