Adam Rickitt
Adam Rickitt

The evidence that things are changing fast can be seen in the dramatic increase in the influence of blogging. We should be collecting emails as we used to collect telephone numbers and using them to better communicate our message to key voters.

Adam Rickitt
Adam Rickitt

With regard to the youth vote we should encourage them to partake in the process, making more use of our education system to show the role Government plays in their lives, but also utilise the youth media they relate to to better connect them to our message.

Adam Rippon
Adam Rippon

I've gotten so many messages I could even get emotional thinking about it, but I've gotten so many messages from young kids all over the country that my story's resonated with them.

Adam Wingard
Adam Wingard

I love going on IMDb message boards, and there are some hilarious things that go on there - the most negative people on the planet.

Adeel Akhtar
Adeel Akhtar

With 'Utopia,' definitely it's more the idea of trying to put across a message rather than just entertaining the audience. It's entertaining as well, but there's also a lot of other things that are going on.

Adina Porter
Adina Porter

Life is very short. Try to enjoy your 'now.' Many people think that when they become such-and-such then they will be happy. I personally don't think it is healthy to postpone your happiness. My message is, 'Enjoy the moment.'

Adora Svitak
Adora Svitak

America, you're sending girls a mixed message. On one hand, you're saying to have positive body image and love who we are; on the other, we're being marketed makeup and clothing that obviously turns us into someone different.

Adora Svitak
Adora Svitak

The unsaid message of that endless rack of juniors' pushup bras? No matter what size you are, it still isn't good enough.

Adrien Brody
Adrien Brody

I've been painting and drawing fish since I was very young. My mom found old pictures I did when I was around 6 or 7 of all these sharks and scuba diver looking back, a big ship, throwing a harpoon. There was already a message within what I saw.

Adrienne Mayor
Adrienne Mayor

I think the key to the whole appeal of Amazons is the egalitarian society. There was once a time and place where equality was taken for granted - it was logical and necessary - and I think most people can get the message that if it happened once, it could happen again.