Anne Lamott
Anne Lamott

Most marriages are a mess, and the children get caught between two bitter, antagonistic parents. My parents stayed married for 27 unhappy years, till their kids were grown, and this was a catastrophe for us.

Anne Lamott
Anne Lamott

I am skittish about relationships, as most of the marriages I've seen up close have been ruinous for one or both parties.

Anne Robinson
Anne Robinson

Every couple needs glue to stay together. Like all marriages, I suspect, if you're busy you don't see it coming until you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. It's a bit like going broke. It happens slowly and then very quickly.

Anthea Butler
Anthea Butler

The decision to allow clergy to perform same-sex marriages at the discretion of the congregation poses challenges for seminaries training new pastors who come from denominations fundamentally opposed on biblical grounds to same-sex marriage.

Anthony Storr
Anthony Storr

If we did not look to marriage as the principal source of happiness, fewer marriages would end in tears.

Arlie Russell Hochschild
Arlie Russell Hochschild

Many of the young aspire to happy marriages and dot-com fortunes but end up in guarded love and okay-for-now jobs.

Celia Imrie
Celia Imrie

I love not knowing what's going to happen next. With work, you never know. You rehearse and strive and get it right sometimes, and still you never know. Some people are like that with their marriages. They work and strive and labour and toil at them. God, what a bore! What an unromantic bore!

Charlene Tilton
Charlene Tilton

My daughter is a good, caring, compassionate person. To me that's the true meaning of success, even though the marriages didn't work out. My success with my daughter is all that matters.

Charles B. Rangel
Charles B. Rangel

Not having insurance not only destroys your life, it destroys your fiscal life. It breaks up marriages. You cannot functions anywhere unless you have good health.

Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley

Nations fight against nations, in marriages people fight against each other, children fight against each other. We are in warfare, in a national warfare, and in warfare with each other and with ourselves.