Alexa Von Tobel
Alexa Von Tobel

I'm proud that LearnVest is creating content that helps expectant moms tackle their finances. As much as possible, we hope to lessen the stress during what is said to be such a life-changing time.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

Creating a system that makes birth control accessible for everyone not only helps women plan for their futures, and lessen the risk of poverty by preventing pregnancy, but it also saves taxpayers money.

Annie Besant
Annie Besant

As civilisation advances, the deities lessen in number, the divine powers become concentrated more and more in one Being, and God rules over the whole earth, maketh the clouds his chariot, and reigns above the waterfloods as a king.

Birch Bayh
Birch Bayh

And I thought my loss my loss was not, certainly, the end of the world, but to lessen the enthusiasm of those young people who were signed up, I thought that was tragic.

Blase J. Cupich
Blase J. Cupich

Once kids begin to realize that they are connected to a greater good and greater whole, then that will lessen the possibility that they will act out violently because it creates empathy.

Buzz Aldrin
Buzz Aldrin

Human rights problems will always exist for years to come, but maybe they'll lessen somewhat.

Chuck Schumer
Chuck Schumer

The way to lessen the grip of the Tea Party on the electoral process would be to do what a handful have done and have a primary where all voters, members of every party, can vote, and the top two vote-getters then enter a runoff.

David Suzuki
David Suzuki

Scientists have been warning about global warming for decades. It's too late to stop it now, but we can lessen its severity and impacts.

Elizabeth Fry
Elizabeth Fry

Punishment is not for revenge, but to lessen crime and reform the criminal.

Ellen G. White
Ellen G. White

If you are suffering from your intemperance in eating or in drinking, we that are around you, or associated with you, are affected by your infirmities. We have to suffer on account of the course you pursue, which is wrong. If it has an influence to lessen your powers of mind or body, we are affected by it.