Aidan Gillen
Aidan Gillen

There's a lot of 'Game of Thrones' stuff used in a lot of pastiches. I don't know if I've seen a Lego 'Game of Thrones' yet, but there must be one. And there's an animated thing that's been going on for quite some time, and Littlefinger is a newsreader in it, and it's great.

Amandla Stenberg
Amandla Stenberg

There's so much power in allegory, to form ideas and learn lessons that you can actually take and apply to real life. I think that's why I originally really loved fantasy and reading.

Atticus Shaffer
Atticus Shaffer

I'm a huge nerd, I admit to that. I love to play video games, I love to read, and of course, I've gotta still get my studies in and all. I love to learn. But I also love to do stop motion animation with my little Lego figures. I love to play around on the computer with that.

Ayelet Waldman
Ayelet Waldman

By the time the children go to bed, I am as drained as any mother who has spent her day working, car pooling, building Lego castles and shopping for the precisely correct soccer cleat.

Ben Fogle
Ben Fogle

Lego for many parents is the antithesis of the high tech world. We are desperate to wean our little ones away from the tablets and into the bricks.

Ben Fogle
Ben Fogle

When I was a child, Lego came in brick form, you'd buy boxes of random bricks. You used your imagination and your mind in your build.

Ben Fogle
Ben Fogle

Where once Lego offered a whimsical form of escapism into the world of the subconscious, encouraging creativity and imagination, it's transformed into a rigid 'box ticking' discipline where children are encouraged to build by conformity.

Boots Riley
Boots Riley

If you tell a story that's only allegory, then it doesn't help you at all. If it doesn't bring some emotional charge, then it's just talking about something.

Brenda Brathwaite
Brenda Brathwaite

I don't remember not playing games. I think my pre-industry experience is me building LEGO houses and wishing people would go through them.

Callan McAuliffe
Callan McAuliffe

I have a huge Lego collection - I have a really big Lego collection. We're talking pretty darn large. I also have a huge collection of original stainless steel Thomas the Tank Engine train toys. Beautiful little trains; they're my favorite thing in the world.