Alesha Dixon
Alesha Dixon

When I first got the call to do 'Britain's Got Talent', it was actually Amanda who was one of the first people to reach out to me and suggest we go out for a coffee and have a conversation. And we did, and it was great.

Andrew Keenan-Bolger
Andrew Keenan-Bolger

YouTube came out when I was a sophomore in college, and I feel like I was one of the first people to put musical theater stuff online.

Anne Wojcicki
Anne Wojcicki

My family and I were some of the first people to be genotyped.

Barbi Benton
Barbi Benton

Bill Cosby was one of the first people I met at the Mansion, shortly after I met Hef in 1968.

Bill Hader
Bill Hader

When 'MacGruber' came out, David Wain was one of the first people who publicly championed it.

Brandy Norwood
Brandy Norwood

I don't know where to find a good guy. I just think that they're around and I think you have to be good and at some point you'll attract that. I really believe that. First, people should stop looking. The looking thing does not work. Just let love find you.

Catherine Martin
Catherine Martin

Constance Spry was one of the first people to put flowers in urns and ceramic swans and other unusual containers, but her arrangements tended to be a little less full.

Chris Hadfield
Chris Hadfield

I watched the first people walk on the moon, and to me, it was just an obvious thing - I want to somehow turn myself into that. But the real question is, how do you deal with the danger of it and the fear that comes from it? How do you deal with fear versus danger?


I think my parents are the first influence on me music-wise. My dad was into Motown and soul, and my mom was into British '80s pop, like The Trashcan Sinatras. I grew up on that. It was great. They were the first people to really bring music into my life.


It's really weird being placed into something like that because it was never an intention to make bedroom pop. I was just making music. All the people that have that genre placed on them are not the first people to have a home studio and and post it on the Internet.