Andrew Ng
Andrew Ng

Speech recognition today doesn't really work in noisy environments.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

In some environments, roles shift and change each period depending on what the company's needs are. On the other hand, many functional roles can become very repetitive if you perform similar tasks over and over again.

Anjelica Huston
Anjelica Huston

Beautiful things comfort; they bring a real clarity and ease. We have to continue to make our environments beautiful - it's sort of like a prayer. If you surround yourself with beautiful things, you have a better life - one with more oxygen.

Ann Aguirre
Ann Aguirre

The people I write are real to me, and basically, they tell me about their environments on a need-to-know basis.

Anna Wintour
Anna Wintour

We all have a role to play in creating safe environments where everyone can be free to work without fear.

Anne McClain
Anne McClain

One of the coolest things to me about living in space was it really caused me to think about how the human body and mind can adapt to completely different environments.

Anne McClain
Anne McClain

It's really amazing how the human mind and body can adapt to new environments. How the once incredible can become so normal.

Ant Middleton
Ant Middleton

I'm used to being in uncomfortable situations. I actually thrive in uncomfortable environments.

Anthony Yarde
Anthony Yarde

Sometimes you found yourself in conflict or within an area where there's conflict. Some days you just find yourself in danger. Sometimes these things mould you and that's what I mean about hostile environments.

Anton Yelchin
Anton Yelchin

I'm fascinated by how ethnic communities have assimilated into massive capitalist environments.