Adam Curtis
Adam Curtis

There is a lurking sense that there is a kind of seedy corruption underlying a lot of public life today. But while journalism does a very good job of describing that corruption, it is failing to bring it into a bigger focus. To explain what it is all about.

Aimee Bender
Aimee Bender

I have trouble describing my own style, since it's sort of like describing my own eye color or something.

Alan Guth
Alan Guth

Our best theory of describing space at a fundamental level is probably string theory.

Aleksandar Hemon
Aleksandar Hemon

I cannot stand that whole game of confession, that is: Here I have sinned, now I'm confessing my sins, and describing my path of sin and then in the act of confession I beg for your forgiveness and redemption.

Aleksandar Hemon
Aleksandar Hemon

In Bosnian, there's no distinction in literature between fiction and nonfiction; there's no word describing that.

Alessandro Michele
Alessandro Michele

I always explain through images and characters what fashion means, and describing scent is almost the same. It can be very powerful. It can really change the perspective a person has of you.

Alison Weir
Alison Weir

Many people have told me that my books read like novels. Perhaps this is because, when I write, I feel I am really there, so strong is my feeling for my subject. On occasion, I have been so moved by the events I have been describing that I have felt like crying.

Alissa White-Gluz
Alissa White-Gluz

I have read and heard so many stories from people all around the world describing how they've found their own reason to believe through Arch Enemy, and that genuinely inspires me and keeps me going.

Andrea M. Ghez
Andrea M. Ghez

We have this interesting problem with black holes. What is a black hole? It is a region of space where you have mass that's confined to zero volume, which means that the density is infinitely large, which means we have no way of describing, really, what a black hole is!

Anita Baker
Anita Baker

Completeness? Happiness? These words don't come close to describing my emotions. There truly is nothing I can say to capture what motherhood means to me, particularly given my medical history.