Aaron Huey
Aaron Huey

I want to tell you what it was really like to think death is imminent, but I can't. It's a taste in your mouth. And an emptiness.

Aaron Sorkin
Aaron Sorkin

Writing never comes easy. The difference between Page 2 and Page Nothing is the difference between life and death.

Aaron Swartz
Aaron Swartz

With the death of bin Laden, it's finally time for Congress to bring back the pre-9-11 legal norm, before we decided it was okay to toss out our civil liberties if the 'bad guys' were scary enough.

Abby Johnson
Abby Johnson

When I say, 'I stand for equal rights,' I mean equal rights for all persons... from the moment of conception until natural death. I mean that I believe in the equal human dignity of all persons, no matter the 'contribution' they make to society.

Abby Johnson
Abby Johnson

While I am a pro-life woman, I am also a woman who is concerned about rights for the disabled, maternity leave, the death penalty, health care, domestic violence, breastfeeding rights, etc.

Abdul Qadeer Khan
Abdul Qadeer Khan

When lab safety procedures aren't followed, people can get hurt or worse. Lab equipment and chemicals that are improperly handled can result in personal injury and even death.


The political, social, and spiritual impact of the life example set by Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela might be measured in part by the profound and unique gestures made by people in different countries to honor his life upon learning of his death.

Abi Morgan
Abi Morgan

Even if you've been a coward all your life, death is a heroic act.

Abigail Disney
Abigail Disney

When men talk about war, the stories and terminology vary - it's this battle, these weapons, this terrain. But no matter where you go in the world, women use the same language to speak of war. They speak of fire, they speak of death, and they speak of starvation.

Abraham Verghese
Abraham Verghese

My deceased patients have taught me over the years to believe in the glass half full, to make good use of the time we have, to be generous - that was their lesson for the Uber-mind, and it was free. 'Do that,' they said, 'and then perhaps death shall have no dominion.'