Aaron Rodgers
Aaron Rodgers

I wanted to really ingrain myself in the culture and the people. And I apologize about having an allergy to dairy products that gives me some irritable bowels, but other than that, I mean, I've embraced just about everything else Wisconsin - especially when it comes to sports, but also the people and the interactions with our fans.


You have to consume Fig Newtons with either milk or an alternative milk product. It's like a conspiracy with the dairy industry. They're in cahoots.

Alex Guarnaschelli
Alex Guarnaschelli

The best place to use vanilla beans is anywhere where they won't be mixed in with a million other flavors. Anything with dairy, yogurt, milk, cream, or eggs - any custard or flan - how can it be bad?

Alice Roberts
Alice Roberts

I was a fairly strict vegetarian - I ate eggs and dairy products but nothing that would involve killing an animal to furnish the food on my plate.

Alice Waters
Alice Waters

I came to all the realizations about sustainability and biodiversity because I fell in love with the way food tastes. That was it. And because I was looking for that taste I feel at the doorsteps of the organic, local, sustainable farmers, dairy people and fisherman.

Ann Veneman
Ann Veneman

This was a dairy cow, and dairy cows have IDs on them. The ID was traced back to the farm in Washington. It's a dairy farm. And that farm now has been quarantined, and the owners have been very cooperative in doing that.

Ann Veneman
Ann Veneman

Actually, in this instance we do have probably a better tracking system than was the instance in Canada. Because this is a dairy cow, they're all individually tagged.

Arnel Pineda
Arnel Pineda

I had to give up a lot of foods that I'm accustomed to eating: dairy products, beer, wine, spicy food.

Austin Aries
Austin Aries

There was one day where I just stopped eating meat, but then the transition to get rid of the dairy and eggs took 12 years.

Chris Carmack
Chris Carmack

I grew up in a neighborhood that was surrounded by farms. There was a horse farm behind me and dairy farms on either side.