Adam Neumann
Adam Neumann

There's no one person that can provide all the insights I need to run the business. There are so many aspects to WeWork: Digital, real estate, operations, space, and design. I pick and choose people who can help in each aspect.

Adam Vinatieri
Adam Vinatieri

As kickers, it's all about being able to block out the crowd noise, being able to block out certain aspects of the game, and just do your job no matter what the circumstances are.

Adam Vinatieri
Adam Vinatieri

I think there's always mental and physical aspects of football.

Adolfo Cambiaso
Adolfo Cambiaso

The best decisions are taken quickly and well. You can prepare yourself, have all aspects of the game thought through, but the one who shines on the pitch is the one with intuition.

AJ Lee
AJ Lee

I used to be naive. I didn't realize the value of being a whole performer... People start to care about you when they know more about you and see different aspects of your personality.

Ajay Piramal
Ajay Piramal

Spirituality permeates all aspects of your life and business is just one part of your life.

Al Feldstein
Al Feldstein

I used to say, 'Mad' takes on both sides.' We even used to rake the hippies over the coals. They were protesting the Vietnam War, but we took aspects of their culture and had fun with it. 'Mad' was wide open.

Alan Lewis
Alan Lewis

The scrum and the tackle are the two really contentious areas of the game. If you get those two aspects right, most rugby matches will work in your favour.

Albert Pike
Albert Pike

The eyes of the cheerful and of the melancholy man are fixed upon the same creation; but very different are the aspects which it bears to them.

Alberto Juantorena
Alberto Juantorena

We need to be aware of all aspects: To check how they travel, how they eat, the competition conditions.