Aaron Judge
Aaron Judge

My dad played junior college basketball, and he always showed me clips of Michael Jordan.

Aaron Neville
Aaron Neville

I used to always sing my way into the movies and the basketball games or whatever. I'd sing for whoever's on the door, and they'd let me in. I used to think I was Nat King Cole back in the day, you know. So I'd sing something like, 'Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa, men have named you,' and they'd let me in.

Aaron Ruell
Aaron Ruell

Being an actor really, really strengthens me as a director. There's just a certain type of understanding that comes from having been there and knowing how much is really being asked of actors that helps me.

Aaron Schock
Aaron Schock

When I campaign with seniors, it's always, 'Are you a Democrat or Republican?' But when I campaign on college campuses, they ask me where I stand on specific issues. I think Millennials are much less interested in conventional labels. One thing that's universal among Millennials is a distinct frustration with Washington, D.C.

Aaron Sorkin
Aaron Sorkin

Our responsibility is to captivate you for however long we've asked for your attention. That said, there is tremendous drama to be gotten from the great, what you would say, heavy issues.

Aaron Sorkin
Aaron Sorkin

Don't try to guess what it is people want and give it to them. Don't ask for a show of hands. Try your best to write what you like, what you think your friends would like and what you think your father would like and then cross your fingers... The most valuable thing you have is your own voice.

Aaron Sorkin
Aaron Sorkin

If you lined up 10 writers and asked them to write a movie about Steve Jobs, you'd get 10 very different movies.

Aaron Staton
Aaron Staton

Sure, I like to win when I play basketball or board games or video games, but my day isn't ruined if I lose. I'm always up for a rematch. In all seriousness, that's something that's nice about maturing.

Aaron Swartz
Aaron Swartz

Computers will be able to do all the mundane tasks in our daily lives.

Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Aaron Taylor-Johnson

It's funny because if you ever ask anyone in England to try and do a Beatles accent, no one knows what they really sound like. If you ask anyone in America, they would try and give it a go. English people just know their songs.