Adam Grant
Adam Grant

When medical students focus on helping others, they're able to weather the slings and arrows of long hours and devastating health outcomes: they know their colleagues and patients are depending on them.

Adrienne Mayor
Adrienne Mayor

Archaeologists have been digging up thousands of graves of people called Scythians by the Greeks. They turn out to be people whose women fought, hunted, rode horses, used bows and arrows, just like the men.

Andrew Zimmern
Andrew Zimmern

In tribal Botswana, I received some woven necklaces and a handmade bow with three poison arrows. It's framed and hanging on the wall in my living room and is, without a doubt, one of my favorite possessions.


They, astounded at the flash of the armor, and the swiftness of the charge, and attacked by showers of arrows and missiles, half naked as they were, never stopped to resist but gave way.

Bill Moyers
Bill Moyers

Ideas are great arrows, but there has to be a bow. And politics is the bow of idealism.

Burton Richter
Burton Richter

The sun doesn't shine at night, and wind power is highly variable. To meet our emissions goals, we're going to have to grasp every arrow in the quiver, and nuclear is one of those arrows.

Carly Fiorina
Carly Fiorina

When you lead change, sometimes you get arrows in your back. I mean, that's just the way the real world is.

Charles Stanley
Charles Stanley

God's arrows of affliction are sharp and painful so He can get our attention. He won't let His beloved children get away with sin because He knows it robs us of blessings, opportunities, and even character refinement.

Craig Bruce
Craig Bruce

The people who actually do things always suffer the slings and arrows of those who don't.

Curly Howard
Curly Howard

I shoot an arrow into the air, where it lands I do not care: I get my arrows wholesale!