Lou Holtz
Lou Holtz

The Sisters of Notre Dame at St. Aloysius Grade School influenced my life tremendously. This was due to the fact that they encouraged you always to make sure that God is the focus of your life, and they didn't allow you to do anything except to the very best of your ability.

O Brother, Where Art Thou?
O Brother, Where Art Thou?

[after the *FOUR* soggy bottom boys finish recording "I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow"]
Ulysses Everett McGill: Woo! Hot Damn, son I believe you did sell your soul to the devil.
Lund: Woooooooo-wee. Boy, that was a miiiighty fine a-pickin' and a-singin'. I'll tell you what, you come on in here and sign these papers here and I'm a gonna you ten dollars

a piece.
Ulysses Everett McGill: Uh, okay sir. But Murt and Aloysius will have to sign Xes as only four of us can write.


Sister James: I don't think Father Flynn did anything wrong.
Sister Aloysius Beauvier: You just want things to be resolved so you can have simplicity back.


Sister Aloysius Beauvier: [to Sister James] What have you seen?
Sister James: It is unsettling to look at people with suspicion. I feel less close to God.
Sister Aloysius Beauvier: When you take a step to address wrongdoing, you are taking a step away from God, but in his service. What have you seen?


Sister Aloysius Beauvier: James Hurley, what are you doing out of class?
Jimmy Hurley: Sister James sent me down.
Sister Aloysius Beauvier: For what?
Jimmy Hurley: Talking.
Sister Aloysius Beauvier: Well, go back up and SHUT UP!


Sister James: How can you be so sure that he is lying?
Sister Aloysius Beauvier: Experience.
Sister James: You just don't like him! You don't like it that he uses a ballpoint pen. You don't like it that he takes 3 lumps of sugar in his tea. You don't like it that he likes Frosty the Snowman and you are letting that convince you? Of

something that's terrible... Just terrible...
Sister James: [Exasperated] Well, I like Frosty the Snowman!


Father Brendan Flynn: You have no right to act on your own! You have taken vows, obedience being one! You answer to us! You have no right to step outside the church!
Sister Aloysius Beauvier: I will step outside the church if that's what needs to be done, 'til the door should shut behind me! I will do what needs to be done, though I'm damned to Hell! You

should understand that, or you will mistake me.


Father Brendan Flynn: I can fight you.
Sister Aloysius Beauvier: You will lose.


Father Brendan Flynn: You haven't the slightest proof of anything!
Sister Aloysius Beauvier: But I have my certainty! And armed with that, I will go to your last parish, and the one before that if necessary. I'll find a parent.


Sister Aloysius Beauvier: What happened in the rectory?
Father Brendan Flynn: Happened? Nothing happened. I had a talk with a boy.
Sister Aloysius Beauvier: About what?
Father Brendan Flynn: Private matter.
Sister Aloysius Beauvier: He's twelve years old, what could be "private"?