Yolanda King
Yolanda King

To really involve yourself in transforming yourself. That's the work that I'm really focused on through my company, Higher Ground Productions, is really helping people to really find a place of personal empowerment as well as inner peace.

Yolanda King
Yolanda King

Do you know what I think of when I remember him? I think: He was such a kid. He taught me how to swim when I was 4 and how to ride a bike. So when I think of Martin Luther King, I think of laughter. I think of the play and the fun.

Yolanda King
Yolanda King

I try to understand people who do violence. I try to understand what they are feeling and experiencing.

Yolanda King
Yolanda King

I was watching the news that day when the bulletin came on that my father had been shot. I prayed. I asked God, 'Please don't let my daddy die.'

Yolanda King
Yolanda King

My father was bigger than life, an entity and everyone expected us, as his offspring, to be saintettes, these little carbon copies.

Yolanda King
Yolanda King

The civil rights movement was not a mirage… It was live and in living color.

Yolanda King
Yolanda King

Somebody has always wanted me to speak as a voice of black America, but it has dawned on me that I can only speak for myself.

Yolanda King
Yolanda King

This is one of my favorite things to do, working with a symphonic accompaniment, because I don't sing - and this is as close as I will come to singing.

Yolanda King
Yolanda King

I feel that I'm very much in touch with my father's spirit and presence. I feel it, sense it and take much energy and inspiration from that.

Yolanda King
Yolanda King

My father was not really pleased when I told him of my choice to train as an actress, when he was with us in this dimension.

Yolanda King
Yolanda King

I tease sometimes and say that the King holiday is a 20th-century miracle. Reagan even signed it, and he was completely opposed to the idea.

Yolanda King
Yolanda King

Obviously, since 9/11, here in this country there has been a resurgence of fear and people feeling distrustful of other people that are different. And what we chose to do was to focus on people coming together, working across those barriers of race, of culture, of religion, and really finding a heart connection.

Yolanda King
Yolanda King

What just resonates with me so strongly is my whole spirituality and the fact that we are, my belief that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

Yolanda King
Yolanda King

When you see the commitment my parents exhibited… it was not for fame or fortune.

Yolanda King
Yolanda King

The best sermons are those that are lived.

Yolanda King
Yolanda King

We've not reached the promised land. We're still wandering around, bumping into each other in the wilderness of ignorance and hate. That is why the King holiday is so important.

Yolanda King
Yolanda King

I have such strong memories of my Daddy.

Yolanda King
Yolanda King

My friends… feel there are not that many people they can really look up to. They feel people are so hypocritical and fake… But I do have some people I respect, a great number of people, and I'm sure my friends have.

Yolanda King
Yolanda King

I am an artist with very strong social and political concerns.

Yolanda King
Yolanda King

When you say 'the man of the house,' the black woman has been the woman and the man of the house, because black men have so often had to spend all of their time and energy working and trying, at least, to give their families the basic needs. So black women, I find, are not really concerned about women's liberation.