William Goldman
William Goldman

Life is pain, highness. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.

William Goldman
William Goldman

We are men of action, lies do not become us.

William Goldman
William Goldman

Life isn't fair. It's just fairer than death, that's all.

William Goldman
William Goldman

Nobody knows anything.

William Goldman
William Goldman

But this is life on earth, you can't have everything.

William Goldman
William Goldman

The easiest thing to do on earth is not write.

William Goldman
William Goldman

If you think of human experience as a pie, then the wedge Hollywood is reflecting now is getting smaller and smaller.

William Goldman
William Goldman

Writing is finally about one thing: going into a room alone and doing it, putting words on paper that have never been there in quite that way before.

William Goldman
William Goldman

One of my great breaks is I have only done work I wanted to do.

William Goldman
William Goldman

One way an author dies a little each day is when his books go out of print.

William Goldman
William Goldman

As far as the filmmaking process is concerned, stars are essentially worthless - and absolutely essential.

William Goldman
William Goldman

Hollywood is a pretty edgy place.

William Goldman
William Goldman

Yes, I am a failed playwright. I had three shows on Broadway by the time I was 30. They all flopped, and I fled.

William Goldman
William Goldman

I don't want the power. When a project is given to me, and I say yes, I'm gonna oblige everybody who has the power to try to make it work.

William Goldman
William Goldman

It's always true, and in all the arts. When one guy's terrific, there will be a lot of other terrific guys around. And this last decade, the '90s, has been a period of very low talent.

William Goldman
William Goldman

Coming from where I came from, the Midwest, in the era I was born, the '30s, movies were glorious fun - Bette Davis dying or whatever. But whatever they were, they were not serious.

William Goldman
William Goldman

Never argue with your wife about hostility when she's a certified Freudian.

William Goldman
William Goldman

Being a screenwriter is not enough for a full creative life.

William Goldman
William Goldman

If you're going to abridge a book in the author's own words, you can't go sticking your own in.

William Goldman
William Goldman

We had terrible trouble finding a Buttercup because she had to be so beautiful. We had all kinds of pretty girls come in, but they weren't this staggering thing.