Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

People often refer to Dubai as the Hong Kong of the Gulf, but it's really more like Vegas.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

It is nice to be around people who think differently than you. They challenge your ideas and keep you from being complacent.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

To be a feminist, you could cut your hair really short. You have to be really angry about something.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

Most of the time, you can beat a woman in an argument.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

The unhappy truth is, learning is hard.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

Trump is, in part, a reaction to the intellectual corruption of the Republican Party. That ought to be obvious to his critics, yet somehow it isn't.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

Children born with Down Syndrome are not vegetables, nor are their lives demonstrably not worth living.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

I don't care what anybody thinks.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

Apart from its dangers, much of Iraq isn't very interesting to look at. The landscape is flat and dun colored. The dirt just beyond the highway is littered with hunks of twisted and mangled metal, some of it the detritus of wars, some of it just unclaimed junk. The countryside looks muddy and broken.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

I feel like I've known Hunter S. Thompson for most of my life. I first encountered him in 1981, when I was 12.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

Pat Buchanan has written and said a number of things that are widely understood to be hostile to Jews and to Israel.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

I am really only interested in new information, not freelance opinion. I don't really care what you think off the top of your head.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

Children with Down Syndrome are not monsters, but uncommonly gentle human beings who can and do lead full lives.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

The one thing I'm convinced George W. Bush is good at is bipartisanship. It's clearly something he enjoys personally.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

The rapid growth of prenatal testing has had some undeniably positive effects: A woman who knows she will bear a child with a handicap can plan to deliver in a hospital equipped for risky births. And many couples prefer the opportunity to prepare psychologically for the work of raising a disabled child.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

Certain Arabs love Dubai because it's not at all like where they live. Certain others hate it for the same reason. When you hear an Osama bin Laden sympathizer rant about the decadence and hypocrisy of the Arab ruling class, you can be certain he's picturing a nightclub in Dubai.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

America is secure because we can afford the strongest military in history. Once the U.S. economy is no longer dominant, we are no longer safe, and the world becomes chaotic.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

It is increasingly important to be open-minded.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

I try to tell the truth.

Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson

It's normal for people, especially politicians, to expect rewards in return for favors.