Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison

It is always better to write for the whole of society than for the poetry-reading public.

Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison

I hate the anglicanisation of culture, the idea that culture is genteel. It's not genteel.

Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison

A poem, once it's written, is meant to be read with the inner voice of the person who reads it.

Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison

I spent a lot of time on recce. It is a kind of creative chaos, but I like the sense of creative serendipity.

Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison

I was well read and knew languages, but I didn't want to become Ezra Pound. I wanted to write poetry that people like my parents might respond to.

Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison

The Greek tragic mask is one of my main metaphors for the role of the poet. The eyes of the tragic mask are always open to witness even the worst, and the mouth is always open to make poetry from it. Neither ever close.

Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison

I've realised darkness and light are inter-dependent, just as death is an enhancer of life.

Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison

I hate everything about writing except doing it.

Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison

I love being on the road with others, with a camera, but also being alone writing poetry.

Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison

I think that, as you get older, you want to be freer rather than more bound.

Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison

Statues are one of the ways I try to test the traditions of European culture against the most modern destructive forces. I often make a point of seeking them out and have used them as mouthpieces in my film poetry, as with Heinrich Heine in 'The Gaze of the Gorgon.'

Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison

'Night Mail' belongs quintessentially to the age of steam. It is impossible to simply go with the idea of remaking it.

Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison

I'm not the sort of person who reads much about himself.

Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison

I think poems belong as much in the news pages as the literary pages. A lot of people throw aside the literary pages! Whereas everybody looks at the news section.

Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison

I really admire the great Japanese artists who could change their name three times in a lifetime. You could get rid of one and renew yourself.

Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison

I wanted to learn Latin and Greek and become a poet and acquire power over language. I only understand this clearly in retrospect, that my ability to study came from a hunger to learn all the resources of articulation.

Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison

There's a kind of despair about whether art can really do anything, but you have to incorporate that despair into the way you work. I try to soak my work in my sense of futility and fury.

Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison

For me, there is a paradox in poetry, which is like the paradox in tragedy. You have the most terrible subject, but it's in a form that is so sensually gratifying that it connects the surviving heart to the despairing intellect.

Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison

I think it's the tendency to want to create gods and monotheistic absolutes and absolute certainties that is the continual temptation in human thought - that's the great danger. Every time we create a god, we diminish humanity.

Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison

I am capable of bad taste - deliberately.