Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar

There are tons of female 'Star Wars' fans, and they're just as fanatic about it as the boys.

Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar

It's a universal desire to love and to be loved and, despite trying circumstances, to still fight for the good.

Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar

I think it's a star-making turn for Audrey Tautou. I can't imagine anyone else playing that role. Um, to me, is she Amelie, for better or for worse.

Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar

I don't often get Indian girl roles because I'm 'not Indian enough.' Which is true - I'm from Texas.

Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar

The best part of visiting Calcutta is definitely the food and seeing my relatives who I don't get to see often enough. The worst is the pollution and traffic.

Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar

I'd say, in some ways, I'm very Bengali. I have a love of the arts - dance, music, visual arts - which I think is a very Bengali trait. I also love food, which I know is very Bengali!

Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar

Without imagination and without love, life can be pretty bleak. I think having both will get you through the most dire of situations.

Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar

I have to say, when I watched 'Rogue One,' I got a little verklempt. I was like, 'Look at this motley crew of people, and the lead is a female, and the rest of the dudes are all kinds ethnicities and skin tones.'

Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar

It's true what they say: that 'Star Wars' fans are the best.

Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar

If I didn't love acting, I would love to work at Google... if they'd have me. They have the coolest perks a workplace can have.

Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar

If there is something that you are passionate about, you don't have to wait to try and pursue that dream.

Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar

I am the child of Indian immigrants, both of whom have Ph.D.s and are college professors, and I'm an actor in Hollywood.

Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar

I think you can become a 'Star Wars' fan at any point in time in your life.

Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar

'Star Wars' is so accessible that, at any point, you can sort of jump in and become immersed in it.

Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar

The special thing about 'Star Wars' is you can come to it and become a fan at any age. It's such an interesting franchise. I wasn't lucky enough to see it as a young kid, and I didn't have any older siblings that loved it and made me want to watch it, too.

Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar

Just getting to be a part of the 'Star Wars' universe is not something most actors anticipate as part of their careers.

Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar

I'm so proud of 'Star Wars' as it is and the fact that it's making a concerted effort to be more inclusive and be more representative. Because it's 'Star Wars.' It's intergalactic. The more people who look like everyone, the better.

Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar

I just didn't see any toys that looked like me when I was a kid.

Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar

I am Indian-American, but I often play ethnically ambiguous roles.

Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar

I'm not of the mind where, 'It doesn't matter what you care about; you've got to have a safe reliable job and do the 9 to 5.' I obviously don't subscribe to that. There's nothing wrong with that, though, if that's what you want to do.