The Town
The Town

Doug MacRay: I need your help. I can't tell you what it is, you can never ask me about it later, and we're gonna hurt some people.
James Coughlin: ...Whose car are we gonna' take?

The Town
The Town

[last lines]
Doug MacRay: No matter how much you change, you still have to pay the price for the things you've done. So I got a long road. But I know I'll see you again - this side or the other.

The Town
The Town

James Coughlin: If we get jammed up, we're holding court on the street.

The Town
The Town

Fergus 'Fergie' Colm: You're going to do this for me, or I'm going to clip your nuts, like I clipped your daddy's.
Doug MacRay: Don't talk about my father.
Fergus 'Fergie' Colm: Son, I knew your daddy. He worked for me for years. Years. Then he wanted his own thing. You play the horses? You know they either geld the horse with a

knife or with chemicals. When your Daddy said no to me, I did him the chemical way. Gave your mother a taste. Got the hook into her. Ahh, she doped up good and proper. Hung herself with a wire, on Melnea Cass. And you, running around the neighborhood looking for her. Your daddy didn't have the heart to tell his son that he was looking for a suicide doper who was never coming home. If there's a

Heaven son, she ain't in it.

The Town
The Town

FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: Coughlin! Throw down your weapon!
James Coughlin: Fuck you!

The Town
The Town

Doug MacRay: Not the way I planned it, but for the first time in my life, I'm leaving this city. Maybe if I go, I can stop looking.

The Town
The Town

Claire Keesey: I lied to the FBI.
Doug MacRay: What?
Claire Keesey: When the guy attacked David, I could see the back of his neck and he had a tattoo.
Doug MacRay: Of what?
Claire Keesey: It was one of those fighting Irish tatoos. I'm afraid if I report it they'll make me testify. What

do you think I should do?
Doug MacRay: You tell the FBI. If the guy's got a record, and I'm sure he does, they'll have his tattoos on file. They'll ring him up the next day. Robbery, weapons, he'll get thirty years. Of course he'll worry someone's gonna come looking for the witness. FBI will probabaly want to put you in a WitSec, you know, witness security. You know, he'll

probably put you somewhere, like you know in uh... Cleveland or Arizona. You know, somewhere safe. Or... you could wait. You have a card, there's nothin' says you gotta play it right away. You're the one who's vulnerable in this situation right now. The FBI are just people, like anyone else who want to find the bad guy so that they can go home and do their supper. You have to look out for

yourself, Claire.
Claire Keesey: Quite an expert.
Doug MacRay: Not really. Just watch a lot of TV. I watch a lot of CSI. So I'm a really big expert on all this. I know. And Miami CSI and New York CSI. All the... all of them I have watched.
[Claire starts to laugh]
Claire Keesey: You're well prepared.

MacRay: And Bones.

The Town
The Town

Doug MacRay: [to Fergie, with a gun pointed at his groin] Remember who clipped your nuts for you.
[Pulls the trigger]

The Town
The Town

[Doug and Jem break into the apartment of Alex Colazzo and attack him]
James Coughlin: What did you do? Huh?
Alex Colazzo: I don't know what you're talking about.
James Coughlin: That's my brother right there. What did you do to get him so cranked up, huh?
Alex Colazzo: I don't know what the fuck you're

talking about.
James Coughlin: You don't know?
Alex Colazzo: No!
[Jem takes out his gun and points it at Colazzo's head]
James Coughlin: How about now?
Alex Colazzo: Chill. Chill. Chill.
James Coughlin: Now you know?
Alex Colazzo: Chill...

James Coughlin: Hey, don't fucking tell me to chill!
Doug MacRay: [to Coughlin] That's enough.
James Coughlin: What did you do?
Alex Colazzo: I don't know that the fuck you're talking about.
James Coughlin: No?
[he shoots Colazzo in both legs. Colazzo starts screaming in pain]

James Coughlin: There goes college soccer! Hey, look at me.
[pulls off his mask]
James Coughlin: See my face? You tell the cops, all right. But just remember, I've seen yours too.

The Town
The Town

[Doug walks into an AA meeting and a speaker is sharing his story]
Eskimo Story Speaker: The loss, you know what I mean? The... the disappointment in yourself. The anger that turns into disappointment. The despair. Like the guy who's sittin' at the bar and a priest walks in, pulls up chair. The guy says, "Wait a minute." He says, "I hate to tell you this, don't waste you're

time, but I happen to know there's no God." The priest says, "Yeah, how's that?" The guy says... uh, "I am an explorer in the north pole. I've been caught in a blindin' storm once. Freezing. I was blinded, freezing to death and I prayed, if there is a God, save me now. Now God didn't come." The priest says... you know, "How's that?" He says, "You're alive. He must have saved you." He said, "No.

God never showed up. An Eskimo came along. Took me back to his camp and saved me." That's Janice. She's my wife and she's sittin' right there. She's my Eskimo.

The Town
The Town

Claire Keesey: Did you say your name was Jim or Gem?
James Coughlin: Well, huh, it's kinda both. The teacher's use to always say, "Here take this one. He's a gem."

The Town
The Town

Doug MacRay: Hey, next time you guys wanna take pictures of me, just call ahead. You know, we can do better than a barbecue. A calender shoot... you know, maybe topless, lubed up. Whatever you guys are into. The FBI car antenna's are half inch matte black about three quarters way down the rear windshield. Statie a pigtail, BPD half and half. Every pewee in town knows what an FBI

rear antenna looks like. So in the future you guys need try to be slick, be slicker than a six year old. I gotta get back to work. Can I go?
[he gets up to leave the interrogation room]
Doug MacRay: Good luck with that print.

The Town
The Town

Krista Coughlin: You gotta chase the rabbit if you want the tail.
Krista Coughlin: My mom told me that.
FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: You're a pretty good judge of size, right?
Krista Coughlin: Size of what?
FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: [pulls out a $20 bill] What do you think? 6

inches? Under or over?
Krista Coughlin: Under.
FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: Wrong. 6.1 inches. See I know everything there is to know about money. Thickness, 0.0014 inches. Weighs about 1 gram.
[stays silent]
FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: You know what that means? That means this $20 bill isn't even worth it's own weight in value

for Oxycodone.
[realizes he really is an FBI agent]
FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: You thinking of running out on me? Not gonna work. Because once I start waving this
[flashes FBI badge]
FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: it's trouble for you.
Krista Coughlin: I want a lawyer.
FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: Good, get

one. Because it's all about protecting yourself. Not even yourself... you have to protect your daughter.
Krista Coughlin: Don't talk about my daughter.

The Town
The Town

[first lines]
Doug MacRay: [narrating] Driver's name is Arthur Shea. Former Metro Police officer, fifty-seven years old. Soon as his partner leaves with the coal bag, Artie cracks a Herald, and he don't look up 'til the guy gets back. Marty Maguire. Cummins Armored courier. Five-ten, two-twenty, fifty-two years old. Picks up every Wednesday and Friday at exactly 8:12, makes

a hundred and ten dollars a day, carries a Sig nine. And he's about to get robbed.
[cuts to Doug and Jem briefing their comrades, Gloansy and Dez, in a dark room]
Doug MacRay: We're fucked if we see a helicopter, we're fucked if we see SWAT. We see a cruiser, stop, take out the engine blocks, keep movin'. No one needs to get hurt.

Coughlin: Yeah, these guards like to test you, though. They wanna get hurt for ten dollars an hour, don't get in the way.

The Town
The Town

Krista Coughlin: There he is; Mr Six Inches
FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: What happened?
Krista Coughlin: You're a crime stopper; figure it the fuck out.

The Town
The Town

Stephen MacRay: Look, I gotta die six times before I get out of here; but I'll see you again - this side or the other.

The Town
The Town

FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: This is the not fucking around crew so get me something that looks like a print because this not fucking around thing is about to go both ways.

The Town
The Town

Doug MacRay: Alright. I'm in. But if anything happens to her, if I think anything might happen to her... I'm gonna come back here, and I'm gonna kill both of you in your own shop.

The Town
The Town

FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: You and your boys didn't just roll a star market over in Malden for a box of quarters. No, you decided to bang it out in the North End at nine o'clock in the morning with assault rifles. You fucking dummies shot a guard! Now you're like a half off sale at a Big & Tall - every cop is in line. Fortunately though, for you, this guard, who is two-thirds to a

retard, has miraculously clung to life. Now, if it were up to me, and they gave me two minutes and a wet towel, I would personally asphyxiate this half-wit so we could string you up on a federal M1 and end this story with a bag on your head and a paralyzing agent running through your veins. This isn't fucking Tommy Hopscotch anymore, Doug. But I did wanna say one thing: You're here today so I can

personally tell you that you are going to die in federal prison. And so are all your friends. No deal. No compromise. And when that day comes when you start trying to be my hero collaborator so hard that I have to slap you to shut up, and it will come, despite your pitiable, misguided, Irish Omertà. When your code of silence finally gives way to fear of trafficking in cigarettes to prevent sexual

enslavement, I just want you to know that it's gonna be me who told you to go fuck yourself.

The Town
The Town

FBI S.A. Adam Frawley: Now, we're a long way away from a grand jury here... and we'll never get 24 hour surveillance unless one of these idiots converts to Islam. So, we build the case. Alright, let's get to work.