The Best Offer
The Best Offer

Billy Whistler: I wouldn't be so sure if I were you. Human emotions are like works of art. They can be forged. They seem just like the original, but they are a forgery.
Virgil Oldman: Forgery?
Billy Whistler: Everything can be faked, Virgil. Joy, pain, hate... illness, recovery. Even love.

The Best Offer
The Best Offer

Virgil Oldman: What's it like living with a woman?
Lambert: Like taking part in an auction sale. You never know if yours will be the best offer.

The Best Offer
The Best Offer

Claire: In an old article of yours I found on the internet, you said: There's something authentic in every forgery. What did you mean?
Virgil Oldman: When simulating another's work the forger can't resist the temptation to put in something of himself. Often it's just a trifle, a detail of no interest. One unsuspected stroke, by which the forger inevitably

ends up betraying himself, and revealing his own utterly authentic sensibilities.

The Best Offer
The Best Offer

Virgil Oldman: [Inspecting a painting] It's a fake.
First daughter: How is that possible? It's beautiful!
Virgil Oldman: I didn't say it was ugly, I said it wasn't authentic.

The Best Offer
The Best Offer

Robert: [his voice through the robot] There is always something authentic concealed in every forgery. I couldn't agree more. That's why I'll miss you, Mr. Oldman.

The Best Offer
The Best Offer

Robert: Why did you never marry, never have kids?
Virgil Oldman: The regard I have for women is equal to the fear I've always had of them. And to my failure to understand them.

The Best Offer
The Best Offer

[last lines]
Waiter: Are you on your own, sir?
Virgil Oldman: No, I'm waiting for someone.

The Best Offer
The Best Offer

Claire: I'm not in the habit of speaking to people very much.
Virgil Oldman: Believe me, that's considerable stroke of good fortune. Talking to people is extremely perilous. However, it was you who made the call, so you're running the risk.