The Artist
The Artist

Al Zimmer: Perfect! Beautiful! Could you give me just one more?
George Valentin: With pleasure.

The Artist
The Artist

Doris: I'm unhappy.
George Valentin: So are millions of us.

The Artist
The Artist

George Valentin: [talking about Uggie] If only he could talk.

The Artist
The Artist

Peppy Miller: [trying to pressure the studio into letting her do a film with George] I won't work anymore. It's either him or me.
[Zimmer appears bemused]
Peppy Miller: What I mean is, it's him AND me! Or it's neither of us!
[everybody is still looking at her blankly]
Peppy Miller: Hey, I'm blackmailing you! Get it?

The Artist
The Artist

[last lines]
Assistant Director: And... action!

The Artist
The Artist

George Valentin: [first lines, heard in one of his films] I won't talk! I won't say a word!

The Artist
The Artist

Al Zimmer: You and I belong to another era, George. The world is talking now. People want new faces, talking faces. I wish it wasn't like this, but the public wants fresh meat, and the public is never wrong.
George Valentin: I'm the one people come to see. They never needed to hear me.

The Artist
The Artist

George Valentin: [to his own shadow] Look what's become of you... You've been stupid! You've been proud!
[the shadow walks away]
George Valentin: Get back here, you loser!

The Artist
The Artist

Doris: Why won't you talk?

The Artist
The Artist

[sternly, to Peppy]
George Valentin: I've made way for you.

The Artist
The Artist

Peppy Miller: Make way for the young!