
Rapunzel: Who are you, and how did you find me?
Flynn Rider: [clears throat] I know not who you are, nor how I came to find you, but may I just say... Hi. How ya doin'?


Flynn Rider: All right, Blondie.
Rapunzel: Rapunzel.
Flynn Rider: Gesundheit.


Rapunzel: [after leaving her tower; happily] I can't believe I did this!
Rapunzel: I can't believe I did this.
[excitedly squealing]
[nervous laughter]
Rapunzel: ... Mother would be so furious.
[later, sitting on a rock holding some

water lilies]
Rapunzel: Well, that's okay! I mean, what she doesn't know won't kill her, right?
[rocking back and forth in a cave]
Rapunzel: Oh, my gosh... This would kill her!
[frolicking around]
[standing on a tree branch, head up against the bark]

Rapunzel: ... I am a horrible daughter. I'm going back.
Rapunzel: I am NEVER going back! Woo-hoo!
[facedown in the grass]
Rapunzel: I am a despicable human being!
[swinging around a tree]


Rapunzel: I've been looking out of a window for eighteen years, dreaming about what I might feel like when those lights rise in the sky. What if it's not everything I dreamed it would be?
Flynn Rider: It will be.
Rapunzel: And what if it is? What do I do then?
Flynn Rider: Well, that's the good part I guess.

You get to go find a new dream.


Rapunzel: [singing] Flower gleam and glow. Let your powers shine. Make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt. Change the fates' design. Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine, What once was mine...


Hook Hand Thug: [to Rapunzel] Go. Live your dream.
Flynn Rider: I will.
Hook Hand Thug: Your dream stinks. I was talking to her.


Rapunzel: [the Stabbington brothers appear] Who's that?
Flynn Rider: They don't like me.
Rapunzel: [the castle guards appear] Who's that?
Flynn Rider: They don't like me either.
Rapunzel: [Maximus appears] Who's that?
Flynn Rider: Let's just assume for the moment

that everyone in here doesn't like me!


Rapunzel: We made it.
Flynn Rider: Her hair glows!
Rapunzel: We're alive. We're alive!
Flynn Rider: I didn't see that coming.
Rapunzel: Eugene.
Flynn Rider: The hair actually glows.
Rapunzel: Eugene.
Flynn Rider:

Why does her hair glow!
Rapunzel: Eugene!
Flynn Rider: [almost in hysteria] What?
Rapunzel: It doesn't *just* glow.
Flynn Rider: [Pascal smiles at him smugly] Why is he smiling at me?


Flynn Rider: [after Rapunzel's magical tear revives him] Rapunzel?
Rapunzel: [surprised] Eugene!
Flynn Rider: [smiles] Did I ever tell you I've got a thing for brunettes?


Flynn Rider: Oh... oh no... where is my satchel?
Rapunzel: [proudly] I've hidden it. Somewhere you'll never find it.
Flynn Rider: [Looks around the room for 2 seconds] It's in that pot, isn't it?
[Rapunzel hits him with her frying pan. He comes round with Pascal's tongue in his ear]
Flynn Rider: Will

you stop that?
Rapunzel: *Now* it's hidden where you'll never find it.


Flynn Rider: You were my new dream.
Rapunzel: [crying] And you were mine.


[looking in the mirror with Rapunzel]
Mother Gothel: Rapunzel, look in that mirror. Do you know what I see? I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady.
[Rapunzel smiles]
Mother Gothel: Oh look, you're here too!


Flynn Rider: Frying pans... who knew, right?


[Last lines]
Flynn Rider: But I know what the big question is. Did Rapunzel and I ever get married? Well, I am happy to say after years and years of asking, I finally said yes.
Rapunzel: Eugene!
Flynn Rider: Okay, okay. I asked her.
Rapunzel: And we're living happily ever after!

Rider: Yes, we are.


Thug: That's a lot of hair.
Flynn Rider: She's growing it out.


Rapunzel: [dragging Flynn towards her with her hair, which she has used to bind him to a chair] Something brought you here, Flynn Rider. Call it what you will, fate, destiny...
Flynn Rider: A horse.
Rapunzel: ...so I have made the decision to trust you.
Flynn Rider: A horrible decision really.

Rapunzel: But trust me when I say this.
[yanks him closer]
Rapunzel: You can tear this tower apart brick by brick, but without my help, you will never find your precious satchel.


Flynn Rider: You smell that? Take a deep breath through the nose.
[Breathes through nose]
Flynn Rider: Really let that seep in. What are you getting? Because to me, that's part man-smell, and the other part is really bad man-smell. I don't know why, but overall it just smells like the color brown. Your thoughts?


Rapunzel: [there's a rustle in the bushes. Rapunzel jumps on Flynn's back, terrified] Is it ruffians? Thugs? Have they come for me?
Flynn Rider: [a cute little bunny hops out of the bushes] Stay calm. It can probably smell fear.


Flynn Rider: Let me just get this straight, I take you to see the lanterns, bring you back home, and you'll give me back my satchel?
Rapunzel: I promise.
[Flynn looks at Rapunzel suspiciously]
Rapunzel: And when I promise something, I never ever break that promise.
[Flynn still looks suspicious]

Rapunzel: EVER!
Flynn Rider: All right, listen! I didn't want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice. Here comes the smolder.
[Flynn puts on a pout, hoping to charm Rapunzel. She just looks at him sternly]
Flynn Rider: This is kind of an off-day for me. This doesn't normally happen.
[gives in]

Flynn Rider: Fine! I'll take you to see the lanterns.
Rapunzel: [gasps] Really?
[She jumps in excitement, letting go of the chair Flynn is tied to. He falls on his face]
Rapunzel: Oops.
Flynn Rider: [weakly] You broke my smolder.


[first lines]
Flynn Rider: [voiceover] This is the story of how I died. Don't worry, this is actually a very fun story and the truth is, it isn't even mine. This is the story of a girl named Rapunzel and it starts with the sun. Now, once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens. And from this small drop of sunlight grew a magic golden flower. It had the

ability to heal the sick and injured. Oh, you see that old woman over there? You might want to remember her. She's kind of important. Well, centuries past and hop skip and a boat ride away there grow a kingdom. The kingdom was ruled by a beloved king and queen. And the queen, well she was about to have a baby. But she got sick. Really sick. She was running out of time and that's when people

usually start to look for a miracle. Or in this case, a magic golden flower. Ah, I told you she'd be important. You see, instead of sharing the sun's magical gift, this woman, Mother Gothel, hoarded its healing power and used it to keep herself young for hundreds of years. And all she had to do was sing a special song.
[Gothel sings the healing incantation as the flower's deage her to her

younger self]
Flynn Rider: [voiceover] Alright, you get the jitz. She sings to it, she turns young. Creepy, right?