Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh

With small breasts, you don't have to wear a bra with dresses that have some support. It feels sexy without one.

Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh

I grew up never seeing myself on-screen, and it's really important to me to give people who look like me a chance to see themselves. I want to see myself as the hero of any story. I want to see myself save the world from the bomb.

Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh

Self-care doesn't necessarily mean jogging!

Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh

I'm not a slave to fashion; I'm into exercising my individuality.

Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh

In many Asian households, to not go on to higher education, that's like a big no-no. I know my parents' discouragement was for my own protection, and I'm really close to them now, but they didn't understand that there is value in this. That's because they didn't know.

Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh

I love my hair. When I was young it had weird kinks and cowlicks in it, but I just grew into it. You grow into a lot of things.

Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh

Young Asian people who come up to me have a certain vibration, and I receive it, and I understand it, and I feel emotional just talking about it. I'm here for you. And I'll continue doing everything I can to fill something that I know you need right now that we don't yet have as a community.

Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh

I don't spend too much time on social media, so I can protect my mind space.

Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh

I take it extremely seriously to do absolutely the best work possible and the truest work possible, because I feel like that is what's going to resonate not only for myself but hopefully for an audience.

Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh

Hollywood likes to put actors in boxes, and it likes to put Asian actors in really small boxes.

Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh

If you have ever been to couples therapy it's really, really challenging.

Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh

The best thing I've ever taken from a set is the rug in Owen and Cristina's apartment on Grey's Anatomy before they broke up.

Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh

When you're able to shoot in Europe and internationally, those locations don't lie. The feeling doesn't lie, the quality of the light. You can always tell when it's shot in London.

Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh

There's, like, a dark needle or a nail that lives at the back of all of our heads, and that's your fear.

Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh

The beginning of my career was so brilliant. It wasn't until ten years later that I went, 'Oh, that was a big, fat fluke and, boy, was I ever lucky.'

Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh

I think the roles in television are better for women right now. At this point, I don't want to continue doing the same things I've been doing in film because it's very limited.

Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh

Thinking ahead or thinking behind is not good for me.

Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh

I saw 'Joy Luck Club' when it came out, so that was early mid-'90s, and I remember seeing it with my long-time collaborator, Mina Shum. We'd just done 'Double Happiness,' and we saw this movie, and we were weeping. Like, shuddering weeping. Weeping more than really the film deserved.

Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh

I think all women should learn how to strip. It's a really healthy, extremely challenging thing to do.

Sandra Oh
Sandra Oh

Actually being able to exercise your own choice can bring about greater opportunity.