Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman

Living off the grid and being kind of an outlaw brings a dangerous reality.

Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman

You can change the circumstances but you can never change man's inner nature.

Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman

I'm thankful to be breathing, on this side of the grass. Whatever comes, comes.

Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman

I think there are a lot of technocrats in the business who would much rather work with just wheels and gears and machinery. Those things interest them more than humanity and I wish them the best of luck.

Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman

The thing that's cool about the recording booth is that it's so perfunctory, so cut-to-the-chase.

Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman

So much of my aesthetic was formed by my dad.

Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman

Let me put it this way: I definitely need to understand the villains I play. The best cause pain to anesthetize themselves against their own pain.

Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman

I love great animation.

Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman

Fearless people are interesting to watch.

Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman

You back a big cat into a corner and somebody is going to get bloody.

Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman

I don't ever want to be comfortable with anything I'm doing.

Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman

Distortions control my self-image, like they do for a lot of us. It's irrational.

Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman

I say yes to almost anything that comes my way.

Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman

I've had biker clubs reach out to me whenever they knew I was in their city.

Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman

It's really disgusting what Hollywood can do to a guy.

Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman

Really, I was such a late bloomer, I really didn't learn how to be me until I was in my late '40s, which is when I started playing roles that were closer to me.

Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman

There are always great deals of humanity in the characters that have been offered to me.

Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman

I think now that I'm in the autumn of my life, and I'm getting a chance of having an overview and looking at the shape of how things happen, when things happen, why things happen, I think it was fitting that I spent most of my early career doing mask work, because I just don't think I was that comfortable in my own skin.

Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman

The luxury of television is that you get more than one shot at who you think the guy is that you're playing.

Ron Perlman
Ron Perlman

I don't think that I've had a career like anyone else's, but there are hosts and hosts of actors whose careers I admire.