Om Malik
Om Malik

I like the muted sounds, the shroud of grey, and the silence that comes with fog.

Om Malik
Om Malik

We live in crazy times - that is true - and things have gotten crazier, but it still doesn't feel like the turn of the century.

Om Malik
Om Malik

Fog is my weakness, and every time there is low fog, I am out and about with my camera.

Om Malik
Om Malik

Augmented reality is the 'boy who cried wolf' of the post-Internet world - it's long been promised but has rarely been delivered in a satisfying way.

Om Malik
Om Malik

When I look at Kickstarter, I see small businesses that have been funded by their customers. I see the acceleration of this shift away from the industrial manufacturing ideology to more of a maker economy. And I also see an idea so powerful that the company name has become a verb.

Om Malik
Om Malik

There are days when I look at my news feed, and it seems like a social fabric of fun - a video of the first steps of my friends' baby! My nephew's prom date! On other days, it feels like a NASCAR vehicle, plastered with news stories, promoted posts, lame Live videos, and random content.

Om Malik
Om Malik

For me, stories are like Lego blocks. If I don't put one down, I can't put the next one down.

Om Malik
Om Malik

The lightbulb, the most humble and illuminating of all technologies, when combined with a network connection, transforms itself from being a bulb into a wake-up alarm, a mood alteration mechanism, and in some cases, a cupid's assistant.

Om Malik
Om Malik

Everybody has a different interpretation of immigration problems, and it's a highly personal experience. If anyone tells you there is a uniform solution to it, there isn't. As far as I'm concerned, it worked for me. And I don't know how to fix the problem.

Om Malik
Om Malik

Most competition in Silicon Valley now heads toward there being one monopolistic winner.

Om Malik
Om Malik

Finding your soul begins by discovering our ability to listen! Alternatively, by sharing a smile, a laugh and just by being human to everyone - from friends, colleagues, family, and especially strangers, including those who are not from the same station in life as you.

Om Malik
Om Malik

QR codes have always been a kind of half-measure, a useful but inelegant transitional technology; the ultimate goal is augmented reality.

Om Malik
Om Malik

Camera companies, like traditional phone manufacturers, dismissed the iPhone as a toy when it launched in 2007. Nokia thought that the iPhone used inferior technology; the camera makers thought that it took lousy pictures. Neither thought that they had anything to worry about.

Om Malik
Om Malik

My definition of media? 'Anything which owns attention.' This could be a game or, perhaps, a platform. Ironically, the media tends to associate media with publishing - digital or otherwise - which, in turn, is too narrow a way to consider not only the media but also the reality of the competitive landscape and media-focused innovation.

Om Malik
Om Malik

Its definition can be a bit murky, but to me, native advertising is a sales pitch that fits right into the flow of the information being shown. It doesn't interrupt - native ads don't pop up or dance across the screen - and its content is actually valuable to the person viewing it.

Om Malik
Om Malik

In 1947, Porsche began work on its 356. In many ways, it was like the original iPhone. It wasn't perfect. It was underpowered. But it was streamlined and aerodynamic.

Om Malik
Om Malik

For a while, I have had this theory that we, as a society, are coming to the end of the mass production, industrial phase of the human race.

Om Malik
Om Malik

Some media companies that rely on advertising revenue are tying journalist compensation to the traffic their story generates. It doesn't work because it de-prioritizes writing.

Om Malik
Om Malik

Sure, Google's and Apple's ecosystems look a little different, but they are meant to do pretty much the same thing. For the two companies, innovation on mobile essentially means catching up to the other's growing list of features.

Om Malik
Om Malik

If you look at something like Spotify, many record labels are investors in the company. So from that standpoint, the money is all going back into the labels.