Nina Easton
Nina Easton

Sea World's killer whale collection needs constant replenishing. The average life span of the animals in captivity is less than half the average for killer whales in the ocean.

Nina Easton
Nina Easton

Every journalist loves a peaceful protest -whether it makes news, shakes up a political season, or holds out the possibility of altering history.

Nina Easton
Nina Easton

The guardians of your company's cyber security should be encouraged to network within the industry to swap information on the latest hacker tricks and most effective defenses.

Nina Easton
Nina Easton

Great leaders don't rush to blame. They instinctively look for solutions.

Nina Easton
Nina Easton

The pact creating a North American free-trade zone was President Bill Clinton's signature accomplishment; but NAFTA is also the bugaboo of union leaders, grassroots activists and Midwesterners who blame free trade for the factory closings they see in their hometowns.

Nina Easton
Nina Easton

Ralph Reed is deeply ambitious and always was so. There was a time when he... in one of my interviews, he said he pondered running the Ross Perot campaign, and he wasn't sure he wanted to do the Christian Right thing; he was worried that it boxed him into a corner.

Nina Easton
Nina Easton

It's true that many of the leaders who started at non-elite colleges as undergrads later attended prominent graduate schools in law, business, medicine, and so on. But the point is that they found their own way there - as young men and women in their early 20s, not teenagers pressed into action by parents and peers.

Nina Easton
Nina Easton

In the new economy, we all have to be entrepreneurs with our own lives - with all the rewards and risks and, yes, anxieties that entails.

Nina Easton
Nina Easton

It's become glib political conventional wisdom in Washington that a massive spending plan will provide a parachute rescue for a cliff-diving economy - landing it safely and with strong enough legs to move toward a healthy future.

Nina Easton
Nina Easton

The centerpiece of Obamanomics - raising taxes on high earners and investors and lowering them on the middle class - is attacked by free-marketers for penalizing economic success and possibly further stalling economic growth.

Nina Easton
Nina Easton

Unless engineers can stop southern Louisiana from sinking into the Gulf - the Mississippi Delta is the fastest-disappearing land on the planet - even post-Katrina's modernized levees will be overwhelmed.

Nina Easton
Nina Easton

Globalization is stirring widespread economic anxiety, and middle class incomes have stagnated while a class of super-rich has emerged.

Nina Easton
Nina Easton

We like to think of women as peacemakers, not purveyors of violence.

Nina Easton
Nina Easton

Reality shows serve up juicy drama out of human shortcomings.

Nina Easton
Nina Easton

I think the danger with the liberal Left is seeing the Republican Party as a monolith.

Nina Easton
Nina Easton

Modern Americans - shaped by raucous politics and a rapacious media - like to think of themselves as experts in confronting mistakes.

Nina Easton
Nina Easton

Adoption should be an empowering option for young women in crisis, knowing that the people around them - family, friends, church - will respect their choice.

Nina Easton
Nina Easton

The discovery of heroes is rarely linear or obvious. They usually sneak up on you.

Nina Easton
Nina Easton

I've been awed by the incredible opportunities that automatically float to the Harvard undergrads I once taught - from building homes for the poor in Nicaragua to landing prime White House internships.

Nina Easton
Nina Easton

If you want to know how Hillary Clinton could try to distance herself from President Obama's much-criticized foreign policy, listen closely to the words of her former top strategist, Anne-Marie Slaughter.