Nick Hanauer
Nick Hanauer

Amazon didn't create any jobs. Amazon probably destroyed a million jobs in our economy.

Nick Hanauer
Nick Hanauer

The theory that if wages go up, employment goes down isn't a physical law like F=MA. It's a moral law, like 'Bedtime is 9:00 P.M.'

Nick Hanauer
Nick Hanauer

We rich people have been falsely persuaded by our schooling and the affirmation of society, and have convinced ourselves, that we are the main job creators. It's simply not true.

Nick Hanauer
Nick Hanauer

Prosperity in human society is misunderstood. The difference between a rich and poor society is the number of problems that society solves for its citizens. That means technological innovation is the source of all prosperity, but with every tech innovation, you also get disruption - ultimately, social and civic disruption.

Nick Hanauer
Nick Hanauer

The higher the unemployment rate, the more leverage I have to 'encourage' you to 'do what it takes' to keep your job. And so you work even more hours, pushing unemployment up and wages down. And that, my friends, is one of the little tricks that keeps you poor and me rich.

Nick Hanauer
Nick Hanauer

The thing about us businesspeople is that we love our customers rich and our employees poor.

Nick Hanauer
Nick Hanauer

Government does create prosperity and growth by creating the conditions that allow both entrepreneurs and their customers to thrive; balancing the power of capitalists like me and workers isn't bad for capitalism - it's essential to it.

Nick Hanauer
Nick Hanauer

We plutocrats need to get this trickle-down economics thing behind us: this idea that the better we do, the better everyone else will do. It's not true. How could it be? I earn 1,000 times the median wage, but I do not buy 1,000 times as much stuff, do I?

Nick Hanauer
Nick Hanauer

Once America's CEOs get back to the business of growing their companies rather than growing their share prices, shareholder value will take care of itself, and all Americans will share in the higher wages and other benefits of a renewed era of economic growth.

Nick Hanauer
Nick Hanauer

The most insidious thing about trickle-down economics is not the claim that if the rich get richer, everyone is better off. It is the claim made by those who oppose any increase in the minimum wage that if the poor get richer, that will be bad for the economy. This is nonsense.

Nick Hanauer
Nick Hanauer

The thing about a real economy is that it actually is like the game of Monopoly in the sense that when one person has all the money, the game is over. And in a game of Monopoly, of course, that's quite charming, but in a real economy, it's much more problematic.

Nick Hanauer
Nick Hanauer

If Jeff Bezos and I had started in a poverty-stricken corner of Africa, there would have been no job creation because there would be no people to buy the stuff from The difference here is the American middle class, which is by every measure the most extraordinary economic achievement in the history of the world.

Nick Hanauer
Nick Hanauer

Tech innovation is something societies have to pursue as vigorously as they can. We have to innovate civically and socially at the same rate; otherwise, you create unfortunate disruptions, and that's where you have people opposing technological innovations.

Nick Hanauer
Nick Hanauer

In a sufficiently prosperous society where people specialize sufficiently, and where enough of the crappy work is done by machines, all work becomes art.

Nick Hanauer
Nick Hanauer

I'm not the smartest guy you've ever met, or the hardest-working. I was a mediocre student. I'm not technical at all - I can't write a word of code. What sets me apart, I think, is a tolerance for risk and an intuition about what will happen in the future. Seeing where things are headed is the essence of entrepreneurship.

Nick Hanauer
Nick Hanauer

I have absolutely no rituals or routines other than I work obsessively and think constantly about my work, to the dismay and discomfort of everyone I employ. And my family.

Nick Hanauer
Nick Hanauer

Diversity is America's most valuable resource. It is what makes us the most innovative nation on Earth.

Nick Hanauer
Nick Hanauer

You see, we capitalists will never actually ask you to work overtime. I don't even track your hours. I just make it clear that I trust you to get your job done in the time allotted. And then I hand you twice as much work as you can reasonably do in a 40-hour week.

Nick Hanauer
Nick Hanauer

It is true that rich people can spend more money than middle class people, but there's this upper limit on what we can spend. I drive a very nice car, but it's only one car. I don't own a thousand, even though I earn a thousand times the median wage. I have a few jackets, not a few thousand.

Nick Hanauer
Nick Hanauer

Rising inequality is toxic to growth. High levels of inequality exclude people - both as innovators and customers - diminishing both innovation and demand.