Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

I have a pirate fetish - I just always thought eye patches were sexy.

Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

I'm lucky because I have a job I love. I really miss being away from home, being in my own bed, seeing my animals and siblings, having my moms cookies. I have a couple cats. I got a kitten about a year ago and now Im going on the road so I wont see him for a while. I feel bad.

Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

I think its so cool that you can pick up the guitar and create something that didn't exist 5 minutes ago. You can write something that no ones ever heard before. You have music at your fingertips.

Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

I was so adamant about proving myself for so long and I've gotten to the point where I don't have to do that as much.

Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

I followed my heart and figured that if I tried and failed, at least I'd know that I tried.

Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

When I'm having a bad day, I pick up my guitar.

Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

My style when I was 17 was very low-key with jeans, T-shirts, and Converse. I was signed to a major record label by then, so I had stylists helping me.

Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

People have this notion of me being this sweet, nice girl, but I'm kind of a pervert.

Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

I put myself into character for my songs.

Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

I would love to be in musical theater and be on Broadway. If someone were to offer me a position to do something like that, I wouldnt pass it down. Im a huge fan of musicals and I really want to do that.

Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

I never had an official job, but I did play at a local cantina every Tuesday night, and I babysat a lot.

Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

When I watch 'Glee', it reminds me of my upbringing.

Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

I was definitely a choir and theater geek.

Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

When I sing, I have a sense of peace, I feel like my brain turns off, and I become the core person of who I am - the essence of me. I feel connected to whatever is out there. It's almost like I leave my body and get to watch.

Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

Music has always been in me.

Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

I always tell people that I'll sound exactly like Alanis Morissette after I've had more boyfriends. I'll be just as anguished-sounding.

Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

If you want to get my attention, wear a pirate outfit.

Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

I feel connected to whatever is out there.

Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

There was a moment there when it was getting really bad and everyone was being let go. I was, like, 'Can I get fired, please? Can I move on with my life?

Michelle Branch
Michelle Branch

Eventually my goal is get a place in Ojai where I can have animals and a big garden. Just drink wine all day and hang in my garden.