Max Keiser
Max Keiser

I think anybody who is interested in keeping their money safe from the criminal banking system would want gold, silver, and Bitcoin.

Max Keiser
Max Keiser

Bitcoin as an asset class is brilliant, as a means of payment, fantastic.

Max Keiser
Max Keiser

We must continue to educate the masses and encourage savings in Bitcoin to truly drain the kleptocratic swamp ruling our financial system.

Max Keiser
Max Keiser

Money is catching up to the technological trends transforming all aspects of society and business; entertainment, insurance, health-care, gaming, leisure, retail - all commercial and social verticals are going digital - including money itself.

Max Keiser
Max Keiser

Bitcoin's revolution: an impossible-to-counterfeit digital store of value that can be used as money, that has no sovereign, or central bank involved, that can be sent anywhere instantly at virtually no cost, is irresistible. Anyone who uses it is converted.

Max Keiser
Max Keiser

Privacy is an age of universal email collection and spying, with millions of CCTV cameras and warrantless spying pervasive; privacy has become virtually nonexistent and, therefore, extremely scarce and desirable. Bitcoin can be a completely anonymous transaction that maintains the user's privacy beyond the reach of any authority.

Max Keiser
Max Keiser

As more wealth and political power is amassed - as bitcoins rise in value - Congress and various lobbying groups will be influenced to an ever greater extent by the interests of Bitcoin owners who - in turn - will lobby to keep the Internet and Bitcoin alive and growing.

Max Keiser
Max Keiser

Starting in the wake of the 2008 GFC (Global Financial Crisis), market observers have warned of a crash in the bond market. Initially, it was believed that the trillions printed to bail out the banks would cause inflation and, therefore, a flight from bonds.

Max Keiser
Max Keiser

There are three main controllers of power here in Britain: the political establishment in Westminster, the BBC (MSM), and the Bank Of England.

Max Keiser
Max Keiser

China became the second biggest economy in the world by pegging their currency to the dollar at an artificially cheap rate.

Max Keiser
Max Keiser

In 1971, the U.S. 'closed the gold window,' starting an era of global fiat money reference-pricing that has been unprecedented in history. Never before had the world operated on the basis of no country anywhere having a currency tied to something with intrinsic value like gold.

Max Keiser
Max Keiser

I'm against having a Fed. It's socialism in its worst form. But until the Fed is gotten rid of, the only economic variable the poor have to counteract the injustices of the Fed is the minimum wage law.

Max Keiser
Max Keiser

Activists can improve their alternative media success by embracing alternative currencies like Bitcoin.

Max Keiser
Max Keiser

Britain is the epicentre of financial fraud. Most major players outsource their fraud here because London is the unregulated cesspit of global finance.

Max Keiser
Max Keiser

Activists need to educate themselves about the power of crypto currencies like Bitcoin, invented in 2009, and use crypto to leverage the success of their independent media gains to tip the balance of power away from the troika in ways that could never happen by backing a political candidate.

Max Keiser
Max Keiser

Minimum wage law is the 'People's Fed.' Tie minimum wage to money supply. If there is pushback against this idea, then shut down the Fed and its ability to distort the economy, penalizing labor, or make the Fed's distortions available to all businesses and all workers.

Max Keiser
Max Keiser

Bitcoin represents the first major breakthrough in economics and finance since double-entry bookkeeping was invented in 1494, and activists need to embrace its power.

Max Keiser
Max Keiser

If the Karmabanque hasn't worked, it's because there isn't yet a critical mass of people who are prepared to fight back and who instead prefer to be victims.

Max Keiser
Max Keiser

Success of bitcoin and the exchanges that deal in it could be interpreted by some to mean the demise of central banks, Wall Street, and the Washington insiders who trade on inside information and market manipulation.

Max Keiser
Max Keiser

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer, decentralized form of money, as durable as the Internet itself. Remember, the Internet - or DARPA, as it was originally called - was created as a fail-safe, global network with no 'single point of failure.' If one part goes down, data takes another route, and nothing is lost.