Lynda Barry
Lynda Barry

The strips are nearly effortless unless I am really emotionally upset, a wreck.

Lynda Barry
Lynda Barry

Remember how you used to be able to feel your bed breathing and the walls spinning when you were a kid?

Lynda Barry
Lynda Barry

There was a beautiful time in the beginning when I just did it and didn't analyze the consequences, but I think that time ends in everyone's work.

Lynda Barry
Lynda Barry

Humor is such a wonderful thing, helping you realize what a fool you are but how beautiful that is at the same time.

Lynda Barry
Lynda Barry

Race and class are the easiest divisions. It's very stupid.

Lynda Barry
Lynda Barry

I used to live a very social life and never spend much solitary time looking at birds or reading.

Lynda Barry
Lynda Barry

I grew up in a house that had a whole lot of trouble. As much trouble as you could imagine.

Lynda Barry
Lynda Barry

My goal on my bucket list is to write a romantic comedy movie.

Lynda Barry
Lynda Barry

I remember my comic strips being called 'new wave.' It bugged me.

Lynda Barry
Lynda Barry

I look crazy. I know I do. Been true since I was a kid!

Lynda Barry
Lynda Barry

It's one thing to have a relationship, to lay your hands on it, and another to make it continue and last. That's something I haven't talked about much in my comic strips, and it's certainly something I'm interested in.

Lynda Barry
Lynda Barry

Part of a horror movie has to be a bit fakey for me to really enjoy it. The new ones are so realistic that they distract me from the ride through the horror.

Lynda Barry
Lynda Barry

For horror movies, color is reassuring because, at least in older films, it adds to the fakey-ness.

Lynda Barry
Lynda Barry

Kids don't plan to play. They don't go: 'Barbie, Ken, you ready to play? It's gonna be a three-act.'

Lynda Barry
Lynda Barry

I think of images as an immune system and a transit system.

Lynda Barry
Lynda Barry

For 'Picture This,' I wanted it to be a drawing book that didn't have any instructions about drawing, beyond the real simple stuff you'd find like in a Bazooka bubblegum wrapper, or in 'Highlights' magazine. I just wanted it to be feelings about looking and seeing and pictures.

Lynda Barry
Lynda Barry

When I work on a book, I usually start with a question. And I don't sit around and go 'I need to write a book. What's a good question?' It will be a question that's just clanging around in my head. So for 'What It Is,' it was this idea of 'What is an image?'

Lynda Barry
Lynda Barry

It's much easier to teach writing, because people are less shy about writing. If they're in a group, nobody can see what they're writing. When you're drawing, people get a little more nervous.

Lynda Barry
Lynda Barry

In my writing class, we never, ever talk about the writing - ever. We never address a story that's been read. I also won't let anyone look at the person who's reading. No eye contact; everybody has to draw a spiral. And I would like to do a drawing class where we could talk about anything except for the drawing. No one could even mention it.

Lynda Barry
Lynda Barry

The thing that really struck me when I went to junior high was class. I grew up on a pretty poor street, but the school district I was in included some fine neighborhoods - so I got to know a couple of the kids from those places and went to their houses and experienced such culture shock.