Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann

I'm not really interested in doing a traditional romantic comedy where everything ties up neatly.

Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann

I didn't think I was a humorless shrew in 'Knocked Up.' I think the women are just as funny as the men are in that movie.

Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann

I've always been intrigued by the supernatural.

Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann

They say that when a woman wants to end a relationship, she cuts off all of her hair. I've done that twice in my marriage but am still married.

Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann

I like dark humor. My favorite movie of all time is 'Harold and Maude.'

Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann

When you have little kids, you lose friends because you're so busy, but as they get older, you realise how important it is to have your girlfriends around.

Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann

Once a month, I get together with my girlfriends and we usually check into a hotel or go to someone else's house. We can talk for 15 hours, and it just flies by.

Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann

Women do not like CDs of live music. We only like the original recordings. If a song sounds different from the version we fell in love with, then it's awful.

Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann

I didn't think, 'I want to do dramas or I want to do comedies' - I wasn't clear in that way.

Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann

It's always fun to think about winning an award. I thought about winning awards when I was a little girl. Everybody wants to win an award for something.

Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann

I was teased relentlessly when I was a kid about my voice, so it's kind of nice that now I'm making a lot of money with it.

Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann

I bring a poofy gray down jacket with me wherever I go. It's meant for winter, but I use it most in the summer, when everyone cranks up the air-conditioning.

Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann

I've always surrounded myself with funny people.

Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann

I have lunches with my girlfriends, who just turned 40, and some of those lunches, we're crying and screaming about our husbands, saying we want to leave them and run away. And then, other lunches, we're fine and love our husbands and are happy with our lives.

Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann

Growing up, I wasn't as comfortable expressing myself as I am now, and I think that's why I chose acting: because it's acceptable to have your feelings. It's a place that they want you to feel. Whereas in life, growing up, it was 'Be quiet!' and 'Keep it to yourself.'

Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann

Perfect people are the scariest people to me.

Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann

Women love hairy men. Cavemen were the sexiest men in history.

Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann

My favourite movie is 'Terms of Endearment.'

Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann

I'm so sick of seeing these movies where married couples are just cuddling on the couch and caressing each other's faces.

Leslie Mann
Leslie Mann

When I was 9, my parents let me take a cab to the mall all by myself. I had hardly any money to spend, but I did have a very specific list of things I wanted to do: buy cookies and sit on the furniture at Sears.