Kevin de Leon
Kevin de Leon

Clean air shouldn't be a privilege dictated by where you can afford to live but a right to which we are all entitled.

Kevin de Leon
Kevin de Leon

Seniority means nothing if you don't do anything with it.

Kevin de Leon
Kevin de Leon

Recycling more plastics can help local businesses and expand jobs while supporting the goals of sustainability.

Kevin de Leon
Kevin de Leon

While we need to provide leadership and stability to the world, we should do that through diplomacy.

Kevin de Leon
Kevin de Leon

Our State Senate must lead by example, restore trust and transparency, stop sweeping workplace misconduct under the rug, and do everything we can to protect women who work in and around the Capitol.

Kevin de Leon
Kevin de Leon

Cap and trade is an important tool in California's climate policy portfolio. It sends a price signal to industries to reduce their carbon pollution while generating billions of dollars in revenue for investments in clean transportation and direct pollution reduction.

Kevin de Leon
Kevin de Leon

California lost its way in 1994 with Prop. 187, but that tragic episode gave birth to a new California consciousness - one that will now do everything within its power to protect our diversity and the economic power it has created.

Kevin de Leon
Kevin de Leon

My mother passed away young - she died from ovarian cancer at just 54 years old. Her sacrifices for my sisters and I evoke a tribute in her honor each and every Mother's Day.

Kevin de Leon
Kevin de Leon

I don't believe that all folks who supported Donald Trump are racist. I think that there was a lot of economic anxiety, there was a lot of economic panic. A lot of deep-rooted economic insecurity. I think what Trump did, you know, very astutely, was he tapped into this vein, and he promised them a job.

Kevin de Leon
Kevin de Leon

Our communities will become more - not less - dangerous when local police officers are pulled from their duties to arrest otherwise law-abiding maids, busboys, and day laborers for immigration violations.

Kevin de Leon
Kevin de Leon

No one wants dangerous criminals in our communities.

Kevin de Leon
Kevin de Leon

California is the greatest beacon of opportunity the world has ever known. But we didn't get here through years of political seniority - we built it through acts of audacity.

Kevin de Leon
Kevin de Leon

I wouldn't have voted to prosecute 13-year-olds as adults.

Kevin de Leon
Kevin de Leon

Domestic workers allow many people with disabilities to maintain independent, productive lives and live in their own homes - not in institutions.

Kevin de Leon
Kevin de Leon

Banning plastic bags so that people use paper bags or imported reusable bags that will end up in local landfills soon thereafter is not the only solution to our plastic bag challenge.

Kevin de Leon
Kevin de Leon

I wouldn't have voted for the war in Iraq, which has cost us trillions we could have been spending on a carbon-free economy, affordable college, and single-payer health care.

Kevin de Leon
Kevin de Leon

I grew up in the streets of San Diego, and I love this city dearly. I love this city. San Diego is my home. Even though I represent Los Angeles, this is my home.

Kevin de Leon
Kevin de Leon

The infrastructure at Union Station is antiquated. High-speed is going to come in eventually. We need to upgrade that system. Every day the Metro comes in, the Amtrak comes in, and they idle their engines for hours, spewing poisonous toxins - all that crap - into the air.

Kevin de Leon
Kevin de Leon

California serves as our nation's cutting edge on many fronts.

Kevin de Leon
Kevin de Leon

From education to the environment, from high wages to health care to human rights, California is proof that progressive policies put into action improve the human condition of all individuals.