Katharine Graham
Katharine Graham

To love what you do and feel that it matters how could anything be more fun?

Katharine Graham
Katharine Graham

A mistake is simply another way of doing things.

Katharine Graham
Katharine Graham

No one can avoid aging, but aging productively is something else.

Katharine Graham
Katharine Graham

My position in the family turned out to be a lucky one; I bore neither the brunt of my mother's newness to parenthood nor the force of her middle-aged traumas, as my younger sister, Ruth, did.

Katharine Graham
Katharine Graham

The thing women must do to rise to power is to redefine their femininity. Once, power was considered a masculine attribute. In fact, power has no sex.

Katharine Graham
Katharine Graham

I truly believed that other people in my position didn't make mistakes; I couldn't see that everybody makes them, even people with great experience.

Katharine Graham
Katharine Graham

The press these days should be rather careful about its role. We may have acquired some tendencies about over-involvement that we had better overcome.

Katharine Graham
Katharine Graham

Being a woman in control of a company - even a small private company, as ours was then - was so singular and surprising in those days that I necessarily stood out. In 1963, and for the first several years of my working life, my situation was certainly unique.

Katharine Graham
Katharine Graham

To me, involvement with news is absolutely inebriating. It's what makes my life exciting.

Katharine Graham
Katharine Graham

I love Martha's Vineyard, where I have had a house for thirty years. I have loved visiting countries around the world. But I always come home to Washington.

Katharine Graham
Katharine Graham

Those first few years of marriage, before the war interrupted all our lives, Phil and I had a very happy time. I grew up considerably, mostly thanks to him.

Katharine Graham
Katharine Graham

The image of me as someone who likes or can deal with a fight is wrong. Some people enjoy competition and dustups, and I wish I did, but I don't. But once you have started down a path, then I think you have to move forward. You can't give up.

Katharine Graham
Katharine Graham

I always liked Barbara Howar and admired her spunk. I know that she considered me - and Alice Roosevelt Longworth - an exception to her negative feelings about Washington widows and single women, whom she basically found dispensable.

Katharine Graham
Katharine Graham

Potomac School proved to be my first big adjustment - one that helped me with a basic lesson of growing up: learning to get along in whatever world one is deposited.

Katharine Graham
Katharine Graham

I adopted the assumption of many of my generation that women were intellectually inferior to men, that we were not capable of governing, leading, managing anything but our homes and our children.

Katharine Graham
Katharine Graham

Mother set impossibly high standards for us, creating tremendous pressures and undermining our ability to accomplish whatever modest aims we may have set for ourselves.

Katharine Graham
Katharine Graham

There seems to me nothing very bad about a nation's capital having good intentions - and when the intentions are magnificent, so much the better.

Katharine Graham
Katharine Graham

Dean Acheson was one of the very best and brightest of the men who ever came to Washington.

Katharine Graham
Katharine Graham

At least through most of the 1960s, I basically lived in a man's world, hardly speaking to a woman all day except to the secretaries. But I was almost totally unaware of myself as an oddity and had no comprehension of the difficulties faced by working women in our organization and elsewhere.

Katharine Graham
Katharine Graham

Although at the time I didn't realize what was happening, I was unable to make a decision that might displease those around me. For years, whatever directive I may have issued ended with the phrase, 'If it's all right with you.' If I thought I'd done anything to make someone unhappy, I'd agonize.