Justin Peck
Justin Peck

I like graceful and elegant partnering that gives an illusion of ease instead of emphasizing difficulty. I don't want to make something 'contemporary' or 'trendy,' because ballet doesn't progress on one track: it can branch out in many directions, and as Balanchine showed, there's always room for pure classicism and more subtle alterations of it.

Justin Peck
Justin Peck

There's an innate feeling when I choreograph in juxtaposition to how I feel as a dancer. When I choreograph, I never really look into the mirror. But as dancers, we always check ourselves in the mirror. I do feel that when I choreograph, I am making a dance on my own body. Much of it is my own response to the music.

Justin Peck
Justin Peck

I really enjoyed watching a ballerina named Denise Dabrowski who used to dance at California Ballet. She was a beautiful ballerina and role model for a lot of young dancers.

Justin Peck
Justin Peck

There is something about Dior that reminds me of New York City Ballet. They both have a classic, glamorous basis but are trying to evolve the arts in new and innovative ways.

Justin Peck
Justin Peck

It's very difficult to switch back and forth between running rehearsals and then stepping in to dance in rehearsals as a dancer. Just to switch hats in an instant can be a little bit jarring, mostly physically, on the body.

Justin Peck
Justin Peck

Balanchine is the number one influence for me. His work was really musically driven. He and Jerome Robbins were the ones who really showed me that dance could be about the inner relation between movement and music. When I was a student first seeing their work, I was like, 'Oh, this is a thing?'

Justin Peck
Justin Peck

I'm really interested in working with groups. It's a very simple thing for me, and if I'm given the option to work with two people or 10 or 20 people, I'm going to take 10 or 20. I just think there's so much more I can do with that.

Justin Peck
Justin Peck

When I'm making a new ballet, I usually read through the score a little bit, and then I have to go back and translate or transcribe all the counts for dancers because the way that you hear it is completely different from the way the musicians read and play it.

Justin Peck
Justin Peck

If I get a commission, it's like a flood of creative thought and energy.

Justin Peck
Justin Peck

My grandfather James Peck was a civil rights activist.

Justin Peck
Justin Peck

When I'm in sneakers, it changes my body carriage. I feel more in my own skin.

Justin Peck
Justin Peck

I'm always interested in linking dance to mundane behavior that everyone can relate to.

Justin Peck
Justin Peck

There needs to be more encouragement and support for women - at an impressionable age - to explore that choreographic side of their brains.

Justin Peck
Justin Peck

The ballet world, it's a crazy world.

Justin Peck
Justin Peck

It's amazing what a resource modern technology is now for making ballets, and I film my rehearsals almost every day.

Justin Peck
Justin Peck

There is something very cyclical about the way fashion designers work. They work and work and work, the collection is finally shown, and after those 15 minutes, they must start over from the beginning. This is not unlike the way I work creating new dances.

Justin Peck
Justin Peck

There is a clearing for new creative thought in choreography. I don't feel intimidated; there is a lot I can do that is new or innovative or different.

Justin Peck
Justin Peck

To me, dance and ballet are not so accessible.

Justin Peck
Justin Peck

It's probably what I'm most interested in as a choreographer: how I can alter and shift and develop the structure of a piece and of the space.

Justin Peck
Justin Peck

It's time for there to be roles in the ballet where two men can fall in love, and a woman can lead a company of 20 dancers that include both men and women.