It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life

George Bailey: [the staff celebrates closing the building and loan company with only two dollars remaining, to stay in business] Get a tray for these two great big important simoleans here.
Uncle Billy: We'll save 'em for seed.
George Bailey: A toast! A toast! A toast to Mama Dollar and to Papa Dollar, and if you want to keep this

old Building and Loan in business, you better have a family real quick.
Cousin Tilly: I wish they were rabbits.

It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life

George Bailey: Now, will you do something for me?
Zuzu Bailey: What?
George Bailey: Will you try and get some sleep?
Zuzu Bailey: I'm not sleepy. I want to look at my flower.
George Bailey: I know-I know, but you just go to sleep, and then you can dream about it, and it'll be a whole

Zuzu Bailey: It will?
George Bailey: Uh-huh.

It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life

Annie: Boys and girls and music. Why do they need gin?

It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life

Senior Angel: A man down on Earth needs our help.
Clarence: Splendid. Is he sick?
Senior Angel: No, worse. He's discouraged.

It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life

Mr. Potter: George, I am an old man and most people hate me. But I don't like them either, so that makes it all even. You know just as well as I do that I run practically everything in this town but the Bailey Building and Loan. You know, also, that for a number of years I've been trying to get control of it. Or kill it. But I haven't been able to do it. You have been stopping me.

In fact, you have beaten me, George, and as anyone in this county can tell you, that takes some doing. Now take during the Depression, for instance. You and I were the only ones that kept our heads. You saved the Building and Loan, I saved all the rest.
George Bailey: Yes, well, most people say you stole all the rest.
Mr. Potter: The envious ones say

that, George. The suckers. Now, I have stated my side very frankly. Now let's look at your side. A young man, age 27... 28... , married, making, say, $40 a week.
George Bailey: Forty-five!
Mr. Potter: Forty-five. $45 a week. Out of which, after supporting your mother and paying your bills, you're able to keep, say, ten, if you skimp. A child or two

comes along and you won't even be able to save the ten. Now, if this young man of 28 was a common, ordinary yokel, I'd say he was doing fine. But George Bailey is not a common, ordinary yokel. He is an intelligent, smart, ambitious, young man who hates his job, who hates the Building and Loan almost as much as I do. A young man who's been dying to get out of this small town and on his own ever

since he was born. A young man... the smartest one in the crowd, mind you... A young man who has to sit by and watch his friends go places because he's trapped. Yes, sir, trapped into this small town and frittering his life away, playing nursemaid to a lot of garlic eaters. Do I paint the correct picture or do I exaggerate?

It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life

Nick: [ringing the cash register repeatedly] Get me. I'm givin' out wings!

It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life

Uncle Billy: After all, Potter, some people like George HAD to stay at home. Not every heel was in Germany and Japan.

It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life

Nick: Hey look, mister. We serve hard drinks in here for men who want to get drunk fast, and we don't need any characters around to give the joint "atmosphere". Is that clear, or do I have to slip you my left for a convincer?
George Bailey: [intervening] Nick, hold on. Just give him the same as mine. He's no trouble.
Nick: Okay.

[Nick walks away to tend to the bar]
George Bailey: [to Clarence] What's the matter with him? I never saw Nick act like that before.
Clarence: You'll see a lot of strange things from now on.

It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life

George Bailey: Now, come on, get your clothes on, and we'll stroll up to my car and get... Oh, I'm sorry. I'll stroll. You fly.
Clarence: I can't fly! I haven't got my wings.
George Bailey: You haven't got your wings. Yeah, that's right.

It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life

George Bailey: Clarence?
Clarence: Yes, George?
George Bailey: Where's Mary? If this is all real and I was never born, what became of Mary?
Clarence: [hesitates] Well... I don't... I can't...
George Bailey: [grabs Clarence by his collar] Look, I don't know how you know these things, but

if you know where my wife is, you'll tell me.
Clarence: I... I'm not supposed to tell.
George Bailey: Please, Clarence, where's my wife? Tell me where my wife is.
Clarence: You're not going to like it, George.
George Bailey: Where is she? What happened to her?
Clarence: She

became an old maid. She never married...
George Bailey: [desperate] Where is she? WHERE IS SHE?
Clarence: She's... she's just about to close up the library!
[George throws Clarence to the ground and runs off]
Clarence: [more frustrated] Ohh... there must be some easier way for me to get my wings.

It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life

Mary: You look at me as if you didn't know me.
George Bailey: Well, I don't.
Mary: You pass me on the street almost every day.
George Bailey: Me? Naw, that was a little girl named Mary Hatch, that wasn't you.

It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life

George Bailey: [on Mary being caught naked in the bushes] This is a very interesting situation!

It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life

Uncle Billy: [drunk] Where's my hat? Where's my hat?
[George takes it off Billy's head and hands it to him]
Uncle Billy: Oh, oh thankyou, George. Which is mine?
George Bailey: The middle one.

It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life

George Bailey: [yelling at Uncle Billy] Where's that money, you silly stupid old fool? Where's that money? Do you realize what this means? It means bankruptcy and scandal and prison! That's what it means! One of us is going to jail; well, it's not gonna be me!

It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life

Mr. Potter: [to George Bailey] Look at you. You used to be so cocky. You were going to go out and conquer the world. You once called me "a warped, frustrated, old man"! What are you but a warped, frustrated young man? A miserable little clerk crawling in here on your hands and knees and begging for help. No securities, no stocks, no bonds, nothin' but a miserable little $500

equity in a life insurance policy.
[Potter chuckles]
Mr. Potter: You're worth more dead than alive! Why don't you go to the riffraff you love so much and ask them to let you have $8,000? You know why? Because they'd run you out of town on a rail. But I'll tell you what I'm going to do for you, George. Since the state examiner is still here, as a stockholder of the

Building and Loan, I'm going to swear out a warrant for your arrest. Misappropriation of funds, manipulation, malfeasance...
[sees George runs off]
Mr. Potter: All right, George, go ahead! You can't hide in a little town like this!

It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life

Clarence: I'm Clarence Oddbody, AS2.
George Bailey: Oddbody... Hey, what's an AS2?
Clarence: Angel, Second Class.
[the bridgekeeper, overhearing it, falls backwards in his chair completely spooked]

It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life

George Bailey: Merry Christmas, Mr. Potter!
Mr. Potter: And Happy New Year to you, in jail! Why don't you go on home? They're waiting for you!

It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life

Pa Bailey: I know it's soon to talk about it.
George Bailey: Oh, now Pop, I couldn't. I couldn't face being cooped up for the rest of my life in a shabby little office... Oh, I'm sorry Pop, I didn't mean that, but this business of nickels and dimes and spending all your life trying to figure out how to save three cents on a length of pipe... I'd go crazy. I

want to do something big and something important.
Pa Bailey: You know, George, I feel that in a small way we are doing something important. Satisfying a fundamental urge. It's deep in the race for a man to want his own roof and walls and fireplace, and we're helping him get those things in our shabby little office.
George Bailey: I know, Dad. I wish

I felt... But I've been hoarding pennies like a miser in order to... Most of my friends have already finished college. I just feel like if I don't get away, I'd bust.
Pa Bailey: Yes... yes... You're right son.
George Bailey: You see what I mean, don't you, Pop?
Pa Bailey: This town is no place for any man unless he's willing

to crawl to Potter. You've got talent, son. I've seen it. You get yourself an education. Then get out of here.
George Bailey: Pop, you want a shock? I think you're a great guy.
[to Annie, listening through the door]
George Bailey: Oh, did you hear that, Annie?
Annie: I heard it. About time one of you lunkheads said it.

It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life

Bailey Child - Tommy: Excuse me, excuse me.
George Bailey: Excuse you for what?
Bailey Child - Tommy: I burped.

It's a Wonderful Life
It's a Wonderful Life

Man at Bar: Why do you drink so much? Please go home, Mr. Bailey.
Mr. Welch: [sitting right beside George] Bailey? Which Bailey?
Giuseppe Martini: This is Mr. George Bailey.
[Mr. Welch angrily pulls George Bailey up to his face by the lapels with one hand and hits him in the face with a right hook, sending him to the floor]

Welch: Next time you talk to my wife like that, you'll get worse! She cried for an hour! It's not enough she teaches stupid children to read and write, you had to bawl her out!