In the Mood for Love
In the Mood for Love

Caption: He remembers those vanished years. As though looking through a dusty window pane, the past is something he could see, but not touch. And everything he sees is blurred and indistinct.

In the Mood for Love
In the Mood for Love

Chow Mo-wan: In the old days, if someone had a secret they didn't want to share... you know what they did?
Ah Ping: Have no idea.
Chow Mo-wan: They went up a mountain, found a tree, carved a hole in it, and whispered the secret into the hole. Then they covered it with mud. And leave the secret there forever.

Ping: What a pain! I'd just go to get laid.
Chow Mo-wan: Not everyone's like you.

In the Mood for Love
In the Mood for Love

Caption: It is a restless moment. She has kept her head lowered... to give him a chance to come closer. But he could not, for lack of courage. She turns and walks away.

In the Mood for Love
In the Mood for Love

Chow Mo-wan: Feelings can creep up just like that. I thought I was in control.

In the Mood for Love
In the Mood for Love

Chow Mo-wan: That handbag I saw you with this evening... Where did you buy it?
Su Li-zhen Chan: Why do you ask?
Chow Mo-wan: It looked so elegant. I want to get one for my wife.
Su Li-zhen Chan: Mr. Chow, you're so good to your wife!
Chow Mo-wan: Not really! My wife is so fussy. Her

birthday is some days away. I don't know what to get her. Could you buy one for me to give her?
Su Li-zhen Chan: Maybe she wouldn't want one just exactly the same.
Chow Mo-wan: You're right, I didn't think of that.
Su Li-zhen Chan: A woman would mind.
Chow Mo-wan: Yes, especially since we're neighbors.

Do they come in other colors?
Su Li-zhen Chan: I'd have to ask my husband.
Chow Mo-wan: Why?
Su Li-zhen Chan: He bought it for me on a business trip abroad. They aren't on sale here.
Chow Mo-wan: Then never mind.
Su Li-zhen Chan: Actually... I want to ask you something too. Where

did you buy your tie?
Chow Mo-wan: I don't know where it came from. My wife buys all my ties.
Su Li-zhen Chan: Really?
Chow Mo-wan: She bought this one on a business trip abroad. It's not on sale here.
Su Li-zhen Chan: What a coincidence!
Chow Mo-wan: Yes.

Li-zhen Chan: Actually... My husband has one just like it. He said it was a gift from his boss. So he wears it every day.
Chow Mo-wan: And my wife has a bag just like yours.
Su Li-zhen Chan: I know, I've seen it.
Chow Mo-wan: What are you getting at, actually?
Su Li-zhen Chan: I thought I was

the only one who knew.

In the Mood for Love
In the Mood for Love

Su Li-zhen Chan: You notice things if you pay attention.

In the Mood for Love
In the Mood for Love

Chow Mo-wan: It's me. If there's an extra ticket... would you go with me?
Su Li-zhen Chan: It's me. If there's an extra ticket... would you go with me?

In the Mood for Love
In the Mood for Love

Su Li-zhen Chan: Why did you call me at the office today?
Chow Mo-wan: I had nothing to do. I wanted to hear your voice.

In the Mood for Love
In the Mood for Love

Receptionist at 'Singapore Daily': [picks up phone] Hello, Singapore Daily.
[into phone]
Receptionist at 'Singapore Daily': Hold on.
[turns to room]
Receptionist at 'Singapore Daily': Mr. Chow, call for you.
Chow Mo-wan: [hurriedly arrives to pick up phone] Thanks!
[into phone]
Chow Mo-wan: Hello?

Chow Mo-wan: [into phone] Hello?
[cuts to Mrs. Chan holding phone, she remains silent]

In the Mood for Love
In the Mood for Love

Caption: That era has passed. Nothing that belonged to it exists anymore.

In the Mood for Love
In the Mood for Love

Su Li-zhen Chan: Am I hopeless?
Chow Mo-wan: Not really.

In the Mood for Love
In the Mood for Love

Chow Mo-wan: I have a chapter to finish.
Su Li-zhen Chan: Where have you got to?
Chow Mo-wan: The drunken master just showed up.
Su Li-zhen Chan: When did he get written in?
Chow Mo-wan: Just now!