Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

I was drinking so much coffee and Red Bull just to keep going it screwed me.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

I'm not Russell Brand or Ricky Gervais, but I have enough money that I don't have to work. Most people who've done what I do don't have that.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

The Conservative party now exists largely to misinform the public, to convince voters struggling through austerity that they have the same interests as billionaires and corporations.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

The Tories have been offering us a cocktail of incompetence and malice and Labour haven't done anything to draw attention to it. It's been like watching Mesut Ozil drop perfect crosses on to the head of an increasingly frustrated Stephen Hawking.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

A lot of racism comes from projection. White Americans have a stereotype of black people being criminals purely because they can't acknowledge that it was actually white people that stole them from Africa in the first place.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

Trump's one liberal policy seems to be his desire to pump more funding into mental health - which I've taken the liberty of interpreting as a massive cry for help.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

It's always easier to dismiss other people than to go through the awkward and time consuming process of understanding them.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

If you're an activist trying to do something important, I salute you. Most of us just give ourselves ethical brownie points for watching Channel 2 instead of Channel 3, like characters in a broad dystopian satire.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

Let's not forget that the essential message of a Republican candidate is a tricky sell. That you love America, but hate all the groups that make up America. That you love democracy, but hate people.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

I just want to do something that I feel makes a difference.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

Remember, taboos are just a map of what a society feels it's acceptable to be neurotic about. Taboos aren't rational.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

Ed Miliband's anti-immigration stance is odd: it's hard to vote for a man who doesn't have the confidence to defend his own existence.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

The Labour party has, from the beginning, been made up of diverse factions; that's its beauty - asking it to become cohesive is like trying to find one shampoo that will care for the hair of everybody in Angelina Jolie's house.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

Sectarianism is a real problem, but it should be addressed by people engaging with each other - reconciliation.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

People think that the Middle East is very complex but I have an analogy that sums it up quite well. If you imagine that Palestine is a big cake, well... that cake is being punched to pieces by a very angry Jew.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

I've said jokes where I thought people might get up and hit me for this. A couple of people have thought about it. But they didn't. It gives you a lot of power, because if you're on shows where people are worried about getting sacked and you're not, then you're transcendent because you say what other people would like to say.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

Islamic State practise a brand of Islamic law so strict that apparently Raqqa only has two Irish Pubs.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

In my early 20s, there was a period when all I owned was about a dozen CDs and a crappy Discman. I'd listen to 'The Man Who Sold The World' album endlessly as I sat on off-peak trains jerking around the Sussex countryside to and from the asylum I worked in.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

Of course, it's hard to get interested in the whole idea of government. Nothing ever changes, especially people saying 'nothing ever changes,' despite the fact their kid now has a free nursery place and their aunt was forced to work despite having dementia.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

I'm actually all for political correctness. If you want to work to change the usage of a word that's discriminatory then fine, I'm behind you. But that's a conversation that needs to be had in the culture. You can't just decide that commonly used parts of a language are evil and that the people who didn't get the memo must be bad people.