Felice Picano
Felice Picano

The prime goal of censorship is to promote ignorance, whether it is done via lying and bowdlerized school texts or by attacking individual books.

Felice Picano
Felice Picano

To be censored is one sure way of knowing you have been taken dead seriously. It also speaks to the continuing power of the printed word, almost fifteen hundred years after that amazing invention.

Felice Picano
Felice Picano

Having a book censored means something. It means you have deeply offended one or more people who felt they needed to protect unsuspecting readers from your inflammatory words, thoughts, and images.

Felice Picano
Felice Picano

All writers want to know that someone is reading their work, taking them seriously. It provides a kind of moral support.

Felice Picano
Felice Picano

I'm an active author: I travel to give readings and talks, although I know it's risky.

Felice Picano
Felice Picano

I over-scrutinize anyone new entering my life.

Felice Picano
Felice Picano

I couldn't swear that I believed in the law - or in the American legal system.

Felice Picano
Felice Picano

I'm 68 years old, and I'm as much a criminal now as I was at the age of 22. And, I'm even more of a dissident than I was then.