Dylan Bruce
Dylan Bruce

I think sometimes soap acting gets an unfair label for being bad and over the top. The lessons I learned there were so valuable. Seeing yourself every day on television, you learned what worked and didn't work, what was bad acting and what wasn't. Memorizing scripts became second nature.

Dylan Bruce
Dylan Bruce

I was born in Vancouver, then went to high school and college in Seattle. Then I moved to Los Angeles after college.

Dylan Bruce
Dylan Bruce

Working on a soap opera is such good training for the novice actor. No rehearsal, 120 pages of dialogue per week, and one take to get the scene right. No room for error.

Dylan Bruce
Dylan Bruce

As an actor, your first priority is the work - immersing yourself in the role, backstory, and bringing that to screen.

Dylan Bruce
Dylan Bruce

I lived in Tokyo for four months. I've heard Tokyo was modeled after New York City, so I was ready for the subways and all the people, but it's a little overwhelming at times. Not to mention, I'm paying twice as much for my apartment here than I was paying in L.A., and my apartment in L.A. is about four times the size! But it's such a cool city.