Danny Rimer
Danny Rimer

I'm always thinking as an outsider, and I'm always mindful of whether a company can be impactful on a global basis. Frankly, I'm paranoid about anyone anywhere who could be a competitive threat.

Danny Rimer
Danny Rimer

The reality is institutions that invest in high growth have offices globally and talk across offices.

Danny Rimer
Danny Rimer

It's pretty shocking that the guys in Europe who cover traditional media will cover Google, whereas in the U.S., there are five different equity analysts that will cover the internet universe.

Danny Rimer
Danny Rimer

The best companies are the ones that offer their products for free.

Danny Rimer
Danny Rimer

Is Amazon truly the best online buying experience? Absolutely not. Is eBay the best platform for auction? Probably not. Are dating sites like match.com really a reflection of the way people date? Probably not.

Danny Rimer
Danny Rimer

To be an entrepreneur in Europe, there is a stigma attached to it. There's a reason why England is known as a nation of shopkeepers. Part of it is the idea that it's better to have a shop and keep it up and running than close the doors and try to do something much more significant.

Danny Rimer
Danny Rimer

The next Google is more likely going to come from outside the U.S. Whether it's in Europe, I am not sure. A lot of things have to change.

Danny Rimer
Danny Rimer

In Geneva, I was seen as an outsider. In the U.S., I was considered Eurotrash. And in London, I'm seen as an American.

Danny Rimer
Danny Rimer

The overall experience Skype provided was superior to other folks because of the underlying architecture and the ability to provide a superior experience.

Danny Rimer
Danny Rimer

In the Valley, what's happened is you have entrepreneurs that just want to fill a hole in the market and have a rich exit.