Cory Booker
Cory Booker

Patriotism is love of country. But you can't love your country without loving your countrymen and countrywomen. We don't always have to agree, but we must empower each other, we must find the common ground, we must build bridges across our differences to pursue the common good.

Cory Booker
Cory Booker

You've got to be one that, wherever you are, like a flower, you've got to blossom where you're planted. You cannot eliminate darkness. You cannot banish it by cursing darkness. The only way to get rid of darkness is light and to be the light yourself.

Cory Booker
Cory Booker

If you look at great human civilizations, from the Roman Empire to the Soviet Union, you will see that most do not fail simply due to external threats but because of internal weakness, corruption, or a failure to manifest the values and ideals they espouse.

Cory Booker
Cory Booker

Small acts of decency ripple in ways we could never imagine.

Cory Booker
Cory Booker

Stay faithful in things large and taking on the world, but stay faithful in those things small - because remember it's the small things, the size of a mustard seed, that ultimately moves mountains.

Cory Booker
Cory Booker

You are more beautiful than you realize, stronger than you know, more powerful than you could imagine.

Cory Booker
Cory Booker

No matter who you are, no matter what your color, creed, how you choose to pray or who you choose to love, that if you are an American - first generation or fifth - one who is willing to work hard, play by the rules and apply your God-given talents - that you should be able to find a job that pays the bills.

Cory Booker
Cory Booker

You were not built for comfort and convenience. You were built to overcome.

Cory Booker
Cory Booker

I live in Brick Towers, a public housing project in Newark's Central Ward. I moved in when the projects were privately owned by a man who the residents and I believed was a grade A slumlord.

Cory Booker
Cory Booker

It takes too much energy to hate.

Cory Booker
Cory Booker

You can't have a physical transformation until you have a spiritual transformation.

Cory Booker
Cory Booker

You can be like a thermometer, just reflecting the world around you. Or you can be a thermostat, one of those people who sets the temperature.

Cory Booker
Cory Booker

I don't know what God has planned for me or you or anyone, but I do know that in darkness, you discover an indistinguishable light.

Cory Booker
Cory Booker

Hopelessness is a really toxic and dangerous state.

Cory Booker
Cory Booker

This is our history - from the Transcontinental Railroad to the Hoover Dam, to the dredging of our ports and building of our most historic bridges - our American ancestors prioritized growth and investment in our nation's infrastructure.

Cory Booker
Cory Booker

We are at our best when we give the ultimate sacrifice of putting other people, putting the country, putting our communities ahead of ourselves.

Cory Booker
Cory Booker

I am happy that the urgency to reform our broken criminal justice system has found allies all across the political spectrum.

Cory Booker
Cory Booker

Athletes are still exploited. If they blow out their knee, if they somehow don't meet the mandates of a coach, they lose their scholarship. They don't get their degree.

Cory Booker
Cory Booker

What happens once you get a felony conviction? Now you are entering this American caste system where you can't get a job, you can't get a loan, you can't get a Pell grant, you can't get public housing.

Cory Booker
Cory Booker

We also must pull from our highest ideals of justice and protect against those ills that destabilized our economy - like predatory lending, over-leveraged financial institutions and the unchecked avarice of the past that trumped fairness and common sense. Our platform calls for significant cuts in federal spending.