Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas

Sonmi-451: Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.

Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas

Haskell Moore: There is a natural order to this world, and those who try to upend it do not fare well. This movement will never survive; if you join them, you and your entire family will be shunned. At best, you will exist a pariah to be spat at and beaten-at worst, to be lynched or crucified. And for what? For what? No matter what you do it will never amount to anything more than

a single drop in a limitless ocean.
Adam Ewing: What is an ocean but a multitude of drops?

Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas

Isaac Sachs: Belief, like fear or love, is a force to be understood as we understand the Theory of Relativity and Principles of Uncertainty: phenomenon that determine the course of our lives. Yesterday, my life was headed in one direction. Today, it is headed in another. Yesterday I believed that I would never have done what I did today. These forces that often remake time and

space, that can shape and alter who we imagine ourselves to be, begin long before we are born and continue after we perish. Our lives and our choices, like quantum trajectories, are understood moment to moment. At each point of intersection, each encounter suggests a new potential direction.

Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas

Archivist: On behalf of my Ministry and the future of Unanimity, I want to thank you for the final interview. Remember, this isn't an interrogation or trial. Your version of the truth is all that matters.
Sonmi-451: Truth is singular. Its "versions" are mistruths.

Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas

Archivist: What if no one believes this... truth?
Sonmi-451: Someone already does.

Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas

Robert Frobisher: Sixsmith. I climb the steps of the Scott Monument every morning and all becomes clear. Wish I could make you see this brightness. Don't worry, all is well. All is so perfectly, damnably well. I understand now that boundaries between noise and sound are conventions. All boundaries are conventions, waiting to be transcended. One may transcend any convention if only

one can first conceive of doing so. Moments like this, I can feel your heart beating as clearly as I feel my own, and I know that separation is an illusion. My life extends far beyond the limitations of me.

Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas

[from trailer]
Robert Frobisher: I believe there is a another world waiting for us, Sixsmith. A better world. And I'll be waiting for you there.

Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas

Archivist: In your Revelation, you spoke of the consequences of an individual's life rippling through eternity. Does this mean that you believe in an afterlife? In a heaven or a hell?
Sonmi-451: I believe death is only a door. When it closes, another opens. If I cared to imagine a heaven, I would imagine a door opening and behind it, I would find him there.

Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas

[from trailer]
Robert Frobisher: A half-finished book is, after all, a half finished love affair.

Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas

[from trailer]
Javier: What are you reading?
Luisa Rey: Old letters.
Javier: Why do you keep reading them?
Luisa Rey: I don't know. Just trying to understand why we keep making the same mistakes... over and over.

Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas

Robert Frobisher: I believe we do not stay dead long. Find me beneath the Corsican stars where we first kissed. Yours eternally, R.F.

Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas

Robert Frobisher: My dearest Sixsmith, I shot myself through the roof of my mouth this morning with Vivian Ayrs' Luger. A true suicide is a paced, disciplined certainty. People pontificate suicide is a coward's act. Couldn't be further from the truth. Suicide takes tremendous courage. Don't let them say I killed myself for love. Had my infatuations, but we both know in our hearts

who is the sole love of my short, bright life.

Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas

Robert Frobisher: This world spins from the same unseen forces that twist our hearts.

Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas

Timothy Cavendish: I will not be subjected to criminal abuse.

Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas

Dr. Henry Goose: There is only one rule that binds all people. One governing principle that defines every relationship on God's green earth: The weak are meat, and the strong do eat.

Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas

Sonmi-451: To be is to be perceived. And so to know thyself is only possible through the eyes of the other. The nature of our immortal lives is in the consequences of our words and deeds that go on apportioning themselves throughout all time.

Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas

Luisa Rey: You have to do whatever you can't not do.

Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas

Isaac Sachs: Fear, belief, love phenomena that determined the course of our lives. These forces begin long before we are born and continue after we perish.

Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas

Sonmi-451: That ship... that ship must be destroyed.
Hae-Joo Chang: Yes.
Sonmi-451: The systems that built them must be torn down.
Hae-Joo Chang: Yes.
Sonmi-451: No matter if we're born in a tank or a womb, we are all Pureblood.
Hae-Joo Chang: Yes.

Sonmi-451: We must all fight and, if necessary, die to teach people the truth.
Hae-Joo Chang: This is what we have been waiting for.

Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas

Archivist: [about Yoona taking Somni to the lost-and-found room] Why didn't you report Yoona-939 to Seer Rhee the next day?
Sonmi-451: I couldn't.
Archivist: Why?
Sonmi-451: Because she trusted me.
Archivist: But your actions violated the Fifth Catechism.

Sonmi-451: That's true.
Archivist: How did you justify this transgression?
Sonmi-451: She was my friend.